The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

My week off...

So I had an entire week off...kindof. I worked about 25 hours at Old Navy during my "week off" from work. Oh well. It wasn't that bad.

So I spent Thanksgiving at the Goldapps. That was interesting. First of all, we started drinking at, oh, 9 a.m. Mimosas? Is that how you spell it? Anyways, it's a drink made of orange juice and champagne. (Does the orange juice qualify the drink as "breakfast"?) I don't know anyways, the best thing was that at 9 a.m. Cameron's uncle Kent (that they call "Uncle Bill". I don't know??) offered up which Cameron's Grandma responds "Make mine strong!" It was hilarious.

So we drank and relaxed and watched Cameron's brother's/sister in-law's new baby mainly just sat there and looked cute. We ate Thanksgiving dinner around 2 ish? And then we played board games.....for roughly 5 hours. It was actually really fun. A little Trivial Pursuit (Cameron and I won because he's a genius) followed by some Cranium (losers) and then some Scattergories.....of course the entire time we're watching the Dallas Cowboys game which I don't give a shit about. But oh well. It was at least a good game.

Then we watched The Apprentice....which I also don't give a shit about. Oooo but let me mention this- Cameron is friends with this guy Bowie (sp?) who I met one night when we were out. Funny thing about Bowie- um, he was on the first season of The Apprentice. So I know someone famous.....yep, that pretty much makes me famous.

The shows didn't go as great as I hoped this weekend, but oh well. Um, the first one was really good and a lot of my friends from work came to see it....however MY PERFORMANCE- thumbs down. I was terrible. Luckily everyone else was hysterical and the audience was happy so that is great.

Second night- TERRIBLE. I personally didn't have a bad show. However, the show as a whole was terrible because some of the people performing. Oh well. I'm not doing it again until after Christmas, so I can just wipe that one off the record.

This week is busy- I have to have auditions for my One Act Play for competition this week. I'm excited. I think a lot of kids will come out and audition (hopefully or I'm screwed). The Theatre Club is also having a lock-in on Friday....and I have to be the adult supervision. Yeah, just let that roll around in your brain for a minute- I'M GOING TO PROVIDE ADULT SUPERVISION FOR SOMETHING. Being an adult SUCKS.

I'm posting a picture I think....In a post a bit ago I mentioned that Cam and I were going country dancing with the Helmbergers. Well, we had a BLAST, and we learned how to three-step. So we're pretty excited about that. Anyways, I'm posting a picture that I took of Debbie and I.

Love you guys and miss you as always. Good news- I may be flying home for Christmas? Hopefully.

Take care!


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