The Oyler Family Blog

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Cubs Win! Cubs Win!

Well, the Cubs game last night was a BLAST! We could not have asked for a better game, better seats for the price, or better weather.

Our seats were great, and it was 75 degrees all night. Perfect.

The Cubs lead going into the 4th inning 4-2, but then the Reds came back and had a 6-4 lead by the end of the 7th inning. Some fans starting going home during the 8th inning, but then, in the bottom of the 9th the Cubs scored 3 runs to win it. It was VERY EXCITING!

So, the Cubs still remain one game ahead of the Milwaukee Brewers in their division. Yay!

Perfect timing on this picture...

I had on my Cubs gear, but I was still repping A&M at the game...

This is the old-man Cubs band that plays outside of the field...
The team celebrating after the game...


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