It's a Beautiful Day
Okay, so this might go down as one of the lamest things I've ever said (typed)---- but here goes.
Yesterday was just beautiful. It was one of those days that, like, goes down in my person history as one of the most beautiful days ever.
I had the day off. I also have today off so there wasn't this fleeting feeling of knowing that I have to go to work the next day. But most importantly- it was 55 degrees and clear, beautiful skies.
Now, I know that doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but I must tell you- after you've been leaving for 3 months with overcast skies, piles of snow, and sub-degree weather---- 55 degrees and sunny feels like Jamaica. It's amazing. I had only a hoodie on (and also pants). It was so great. I went for a run, which I haven't been able to do outside for months. I took Jackie for a run and she didn't have to put on her fleece and boots. I went to the beach and sat by the lake. It really was just monumental.
Alas, the weather won't stay. It's already colder today. But soon enough, I suppose.
My friend Tanya had told me that people here get the most insane spring fever. I'm definitely feeling it.
In honor of the beautiful day I posted this wonderful video for all of you to enjoy.
In other news, my show at Second City is going amazing. We've had great crowds, great shows, and really positive feedback. I also had my audition for Level 2 Conservatory on Saturday and I was accepted into Level 2 (They make you audition after the first 2 levels to make sure that you are making progress). So I guess that makes it official- I'm still funny.
Let's see- what else is happening? Well, Cameron and I are looking forward to seeing everyone in April and also our own wedding in August. Planning is going great and we are getting excited.
Also, we are planning on moving when our lease is up at the end of June. I know this seems like a lot to do in the summer- but we are really looking forward to moving closer to downtown. Right now we have a 45 minute commute on the train each way to work, and we also don't go out much because when we do we have a 45 minute commute in the middle of the night on the train....and that sucks. We plan on moving to the Lakeview neighborhood, which is basically between Wrigley Field and DePaul University (if you are looking at your landmark map). It's also a great neighborhood. So, can't wait for that!
I'm selling my car this month. We are listing the car on Monday and hope to get it sold asap. We will rely on public transportation and also the Zip Car system to get around. Oh, and taxis. We are looking forward to it. My car payment and insurance are just a waste of money right now because we don't use the car at all.
Work is going, well, kindof amazing. I am top seller in my department. I have hit some goals this quarter which will increase my commission next quarter. My boss has also goaled me at Pacesetter, which means the top seller in my department--- which increases my commission for a year and also gets me an increased discount. It's a huge accomplishment and the store manager, Greg, also came and spoke to me the other day. All of this gets me closer to being an assistant department manger or department manager, which is one of the goals for me while I'm at Nordstrom. Also, I would love to be a personal shopper. That's a goal for me as well.
Okay what else? Cam shaved some amazing mutton chops and ironic 70s porno mustache (which is now gone, leaving only the chops) and I trimmed my hair and got my nose pierced.
Okay, bye!
Yesterday was just beautiful. It was one of those days that, like, goes down in my person history as one of the most beautiful days ever.
I had the day off. I also have today off so there wasn't this fleeting feeling of knowing that I have to go to work the next day. But most importantly- it was 55 degrees and clear, beautiful skies.
Now, I know that doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but I must tell you- after you've been leaving for 3 months with overcast skies, piles of snow, and sub-degree weather---- 55 degrees and sunny feels like Jamaica. It's amazing. I had only a hoodie on (and also pants). It was so great. I went for a run, which I haven't been able to do outside for months. I took Jackie for a run and she didn't have to put on her fleece and boots. I went to the beach and sat by the lake. It really was just monumental.
Alas, the weather won't stay. It's already colder today. But soon enough, I suppose.
My friend Tanya had told me that people here get the most insane spring fever. I'm definitely feeling it.
In honor of the beautiful day I posted this wonderful video for all of you to enjoy.
In other news, my show at Second City is going amazing. We've had great crowds, great shows, and really positive feedback. I also had my audition for Level 2 Conservatory on Saturday and I was accepted into Level 2 (They make you audition after the first 2 levels to make sure that you are making progress). So I guess that makes it official- I'm still funny.
Let's see- what else is happening? Well, Cameron and I are looking forward to seeing everyone in April and also our own wedding in August. Planning is going great and we are getting excited.
Also, we are planning on moving when our lease is up at the end of June. I know this seems like a lot to do in the summer- but we are really looking forward to moving closer to downtown. Right now we have a 45 minute commute on the train each way to work, and we also don't go out much because when we do we have a 45 minute commute in the middle of the night on the train....and that sucks. We plan on moving to the Lakeview neighborhood, which is basically between Wrigley Field and DePaul University (if you are looking at your landmark map). It's also a great neighborhood. So, can't wait for that!
I'm selling my car this month. We are listing the car on Monday and hope to get it sold asap. We will rely on public transportation and also the Zip Car system to get around. Oh, and taxis. We are looking forward to it. My car payment and insurance are just a waste of money right now because we don't use the car at all.
Work is going, well, kindof amazing. I am top seller in my department. I have hit some goals this quarter which will increase my commission next quarter. My boss has also goaled me at Pacesetter, which means the top seller in my department--- which increases my commission for a year and also gets me an increased discount. It's a huge accomplishment and the store manager, Greg, also came and spoke to me the other day. All of this gets me closer to being an assistant department manger or department manager, which is one of the goals for me while I'm at Nordstrom. Also, I would love to be a personal shopper. That's a goal for me as well.
Okay what else? Cam shaved some amazing mutton chops and ironic 70s porno mustache (which is now gone, leaving only the chops) and I trimmed my hair and got my nose pierced.
Okay, bye!

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