The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Christmas Post-Partum

Hey all! It's been a week since Christmas, and coming down from the "Christmas high" has been difficult for me. Thank you Jesus for being born! However, Jesus, the week after is sort of uneventful.

So, first and foremost thanks for all of the gifts. They were so awesome, and I got a bunch of great stuff. I mean, you were pretty much screwed after I got the ipod weren't going to beat that. However, you did very well. Also, I want to send my apologies for wiping you guys out in the poker game....suckas!

Congrats of course to Andy and Amy. I'm so excited about the person you guys made. Also, Chris Cameron and Walt both send their congrats. (I'm sure you weren't sleeping well wondering what they thought). Also, Chris's brother Craig and his wife Marianne are expecting in July. In addition to that baby, Fred and Anna Ramirez are expecting in June (or July?). Anyways, 'tis the season for making people!

I only had to work 3 days this week, so I relaxed and spent most of it with Cam in Dallas. On Thursday we went to his improv troupe (Pavlovs Dogs) Christmas party. It was fun- the regular stuff: food and drink. But the best part was the gift exchange. They did it in the format where you get to steal gifts and whatnot. Well, the awesome thing is that I ended up with this GIRLY POKER SET! It has a cute little case and pink poker chips. It also has awesome pink dice and plastic blue and pink cards! It is so girly and I'm going to kick so much more ass now that I will play with girly chips!

On Friday night we went to the Roast of one of Cameron's friends (Yes, like a Friar's Club raost where they get the guy up there in front and then several people proceed to "roast" him by making fun of him and saying completely disgusting and emberassing things about him). Anyways, Cameron was the Roastmaster and it was pretty hilarious and filthy. They even got a few jabs on me. It was excellent. Then we went out and partied with everyone. It was great.

Anyways, so tonight is New Years. CAmeron and his roommate and his friend Daigle are having a party at Cameron's apartment. We have a key, 4 cases of fine champagne, and 5 handles of liquor. It should be pretty crazy. I'll be taking pictures. Also, I'll be posting pictures from Christmas. I have some funny ones. I just haven't been home long enough to post any. I will do that this week.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great new years. If you were younger perhaps I would drunk dial you...but you are all far too lame. Sorry.

Love you guys!



  • At 9:40 PM , Blogger Dwayne said...

    Drunk dial me...cmon, we're not that lame. ...We'll at least wake up and say happy new year.

    Just kidding. We are going out to Jenny's friend's house. Funny...Jenny wasn't too excited about the idea of another pickin' on New Years???

    Happy New Year everyone!!

  • At 9:41 PM , Blogger Dwayne said...

    Hey Mom and Dad,

    Did you see the June festival got the Lonesome River Band and Larry Sparks?

  • At 11:24 AM , Blogger Mom Oyler said...

    Soooo happy to hear from all of you. I guess the after Christmas got me too. Been a little down, or maybe it's just that I am STILL sick. Just sick and tired of being sick and tired. Hope you all had a good evening last night.D- Didn't see the lineup, will check it out. Wish you were all here to play cards or something, enjoyed that. Gotta go - this is too long for a "comment"


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