The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Monday, December 12, 2005

This Past Weekend

So, let me give you a rundown of the weekend (I know you've been calling, MOM, but I haven't been in a position where I can answer the phone.

So, Friday night was the first annual "Snow Show" for Farmersville High School. It was basically a variety show that the dance teacher came up with. She's sort of like me in that she wants to revolutionize everything and make the school better and is hard-working, yada yada yada. Anyways, so the show is mostly dancing, but my student improv troupe got invited to perform. Well, let me just say that we were a HIT! Administration was happy, parents were happy, school board members were was a HIT! All of the teachers were congratulating me and saying how awesome it was, and one teacher even told my boss that he should get me a raise so that I'll stay at Farmersville. So I was really proud of my kids. They really did great and brought their "A Game." I was beaming I was so proud of them.

Then after work I went to the Helmbergers and had some fun with them and a few of the other people that I work with. It was excellent. Had a great time.

The next day I did NOTHING except watch First Wives Club. But it was a well-deserved break I think. That night I met up with Cameron after his shows, and also my friend Tanya. We went out to an Irish Pub. It was good times. Pretty uneventful I guess.

Sunday we went to Commerce to hang out with Cameron's parents. We had dinner. It was nice. Then we went to the college to see Medea. It was really great. Such a great show, and they did it really well.

Anyways, now I'm back at work today. I'm going to post some pictures from the weekend when I get back home tonight for your viewing pleasure. This week is my last week of work before my big teacher break. So things are a little hectic around here, but they'll slow down pretty soon.

I didn't get to go to the bachelorette party. Money was a little too low and it just seemed like an expense that I had to cut out. I was dissapointed and so was Emily, but that's the way it goes, you know?

Anyways, I hope everyone is well. Dad, if you need to get the password for your e-mail account you need to let me know.

Have a good week-


  • At 7:14 PM , Blogger Mom Oyler said...

    Congrats on the show Fri night. Hopefully the man will listen and get you a raise - can he do that or is it strictly yearly percentages raises? I was calling because I THOUGHT you were on the road to OK. And, Dad does not know his password.
    Love to all

  • At 12:00 AM , Blogger Dwayne said...

    Congrats on what seems like a really successful event.


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