Wreck on the Highway

Don't mean to be "Dwayne the Downer"...but here's a song I thought you guys might like...it seems like something Andy would sing. Have you heard Bruce Springstein's "Wreck on the Highway?" The words get me every time. It's especially poignant for anyone who has ever come upon such a scene. I put it on our ftp site under Popular music- misc folder.
At 9:48 AM ,
Mrs. G said...
i swear i'm doing this this time....i'm going to add the North Mississippi All-Stars today to the site. I'm also going to add a few miscellaneous songs. Also, asap I'm going to add this guy Keb Mo'...he's a blues player from Compton...yes, blues from Compton. I'll add that asap..but I have to get it from Cameron.
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