The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Jackie and other news

I know you guys just recently got an e-mail from me, but I wanted to give you an official update.

The show just finished its second weekend of the run. It is going really great. We had a great crowd on Saturday and had a lot of fun. Plus, we do this thing where the people who have the most "Shakespeare Money" at the end of the show get to buy things with it. Well, one of the prizes to buy was 10 free ballroom dancing lessons....and I slipped Cam some money so we got them. Yeah, it's cheating but who cares? I wanted those damned ballroom dancing lessons.

Next weekend we are off to San Antonio so I can audition for American Idol. That should be a trip. I will have a full review of the process when we get back. I'm sure it will be pretty crazy.

I start work this week. Suck. But it will be nice to get back.

I thought I would post some pictures from my recent trip to Tulsa. Marley gets cuter every day, and I had so much fun hanging out with her and her mommy and daddy.

The next portion is an update on Jackie. Dwayne and Jenny, just so you can be updated, CAmeron and I are borrowing Jackie for a while to see if we want a dog of our own. So here's how that is going:

well, jackie has been with cameron and i for 4 days...and we are all very happy. jackie made a great trip down here. she spent half the trip sleeping and half on my lap. she was great. at cameron's apartment she has transitioned well. she seems very happy. cameron has taught her to walk without pulling and not bark at strangers. The Dog Whisperer taught us that a nervous dog is a not a happy dog. and jackie has a lot of nervous energy that we're trying to get rid of. we're also going to work this week with training her to not be so affected by other dogs. she should be happy and playful but not so nervous and out of control. she also sits, stays, shakes and all that before she gets a treat, and she has to stay put before she gets anything to snack. she also IS NOT allowed to eat people food. today she got into some queso and got in trouble. she had to go straight to her crate. then we gave her a bath.

so far she has been great and happy. we got her some new toys and some other new stuff (leash, etc.). we also really enjoy having her. right now we are trying to plan the schedule for when i start working again. she will be living with me full time but on the weekend we will be at cam's unless we are travelling. right now we are both convinced that we really want a dog again...but both agree that we need to wait and see what things will be like when we are both on full schedules.

jackie also sleeps in her crate until breakfast. she doesn't wimper at all before breakfast or at night. we don't let her. then after she eats and goes for her morning walk we let her get in bed with us. she has been so great and well-behaved.

The Dog Whisperer taught us that dogs are like kids- they want discipline and boundaries and they are happier that way. Anyway, just letting you know how the dog is in detail. I know she's a part of the family and is missed.



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