The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Santa Cause 2006

Soo...a couple of weeks ago Cam and I went to this fundraiser that was organized by his friend Bowie Hogg (who was on the 1st season of the apprentice). Bowie is a great guy, saavy businessman, and loves puting this type of stuff together.

This is the 3rd year for it. Basically, it goes as follows: you give a donation and it is your ticket to ride on a bus dressed as santa clause and go from bar to bar. There were 3 buses full this year. Everyone was dressed as Santa. We had some theme santas. Our friend Wes was "Sopranoclause" (dressed like Tony soprano with a santa hat on). Another friend, Kyle, was "Franoclause" (dressed like Francione, the coach of A&M. Most of these guys on the bus are A&M alumni). And lastly- another genius idea- we had "Flavor Flav-o-clause". It was pretty funny.

Cam dressed as "Job Interview Clause" and I dressed as "80s cocktail party Ms. Clause" ( I found a sweet cocktail dress at the thrift store that day).

Basically, we went to 5 different bars, it was BYOB on the bus, we gave to charity, and we had A LOT of fun. I will post pics as soon as I can get them up.


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