The Oyler Family Blog

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Monday, November 13, 2006

New Fall Hair

Okay so I need a family vote-

this week I am either dyeing my hair red or chocolate brown. I can decide which, so I need some suggestions. SERIOUS suggestions.... not the stupid bullshit you usually write.

The red I would want to look something like this-(I am very specific about the colors that I want)

and the brown I would want to be a deep chocolate brown like this:

And just as a reminder- I look like this:



ps- when are we drawing for christmas present names?


  • At 10:48 AM , Blogger Mrs. G said...

    seriously dudes. i need some advice. cameron votes for chocolate brown.

    and andy- i got this color from your mother so you need to apologize to that skank.

  • At 12:11 PM , Blogger Jenny said...

    I vote for chocolate brown but jennifer love hewitt's color is more black than brown. I would also suggest some highlights.

  • At 12:26 PM , Blogger Dwayne said...

    Ok, seriously...
    I could live with either, but why not slect a brown that looks like it might be natural? IE, the color of your eyebrows? Maybe that is Jenny is going with that when she observed that the brown is a seriously dark chocolate...

  • At 10:16 PM , Blogger Amy said...

    Marley and I vote red...for obvious reasons.

  • At 10:13 AM , Blogger Mrs. G said...

    okay guys...i appreciate the help.

    to jenny- thanks for the serious suggestion and for being one of the few people in my family who is not a complete asshole. i might go with the highlights too.

    to dwayne-i know that natural is the OBVIOUS choice to most people...but the problem is i get really bored with my appearance sometimes and i need to go wild occasionally. i'm just that kind of person. i mean come on- i have tatooes, piercings, and i'm a total slut. i'm an "ARTIST." but thanks for the suggestion

    to andy- did you just call my natural appearance "fantastic"? i'm pretty sure you did. i'm going to remember that next time you call me a disgusting slut.

    to dad- thanks??????

    to amy- red hair is effing EMBERASSING.

    SOO....I WENT WITH BROWN. A DEEP CHOCOLATE BROWN. and i really like it. of course i'll get bored in a while and go back to blonde (blondes really do get more attention....but also....PRETTY gets more that may be my main problem)


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