The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Another Deck Update...

95% complete


  • At 7:36 PM , Blogger Mom Oyler said...

    Andy where do you buy lumbar in Tulsa. Katie

  • At 12:42 AM , Blogger Dwayne said...

    Andy, where so you "by" things in Tulsa. Monroe

  • At 12:46 AM , Blogger Dwayne said...

    Is Greg logging in under you name? By the way, is Greg part of this Blog thing? If so, why is he not chiming in>? The Blog is starting to suck...we could use his comments. It used to be a place for Linds to talk about "issues" and for us to promote our office. now seems to function only as the latter.

  • At 12:48 AM , Blogger Dwayne said... I guess if I am going to talk smack about typos, I should be careful not to make them myself...

  • At 3:44 AM , Blogger Dwayne said...

    I'm not sure where Andy got his recent learnin'... but that doesn't seem like a word Mom taught him.

  • At 3:44 AM , Blogger Dwayne said...

    Ok, I'm serious- we need Greg on the blog.

    Lindsay...what up????

  • At 6:39 PM , Blogger Mrs. G said...


    I've been busy. Working. You know...I work? A big-girl job? Apparently not like you putzes who just have time to jerk off all day at the computer.

    I'll blog soon.


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