Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.
Is Greg logging in under you name? By the way, is Greg part of this Blog thing? If so, why is he not chiming in>? The Blog is starting to suck...we could use his comments. It used to be a place for Linds to talk about "issues" and for us to promote our office. now seems to function only as the latter.
At 7:36 PM ,
Mom Oyler said...
Andy where do you buy lumbar in Tulsa. Katie
At 12:42 AM ,
Dwayne said...
Andy, where so you "by" things in Tulsa. Monroe
At 12:46 AM ,
Dwayne said...
Is Greg logging in under you name? By the way, is Greg part of this Blog thing? If so, why is he not chiming in>? The Blog is starting to suck...we could use his comments. It used to be a place for Linds to talk about "issues" and for us to promote our office. now seems to function only as the latter.
At 12:48 AM ,
Dwayne said... I guess if I am going to talk smack about typos, I should be careful not to make them myself...
At 3:44 AM ,
Dwayne said...
I'm not sure where Andy got his recent learnin'... but that doesn't seem like a word Mom taught him.
At 3:44 AM ,
Dwayne said...
Ok, I'm serious- we need Greg on the blog.
Lindsay...what up????
At 6:39 PM ,
Mrs. G said...
I've been busy. Working. You know...I work? A big-girl job? Apparently not like you putzes who just have time to jerk off all day at the computer.
I'll blog soon.
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