The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Is Anyone Out There?

Hey guys-

It's been a while. Things have been winding down here. The One Act Play competition ended. Well, at least our run did. We ended up being chosen as the Regional Alternate. Again, a great accomplishment even though we didn't make it to the State competition.

The year is starting to wind down...and I'm glad. I have decided that unless I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO, I WILL NOT be teaching next year. It is a last resort. I know it sounds funny that teaching would be a last resort- but it is. If you taught you would understand. Well- if you taught HIGH SCHOOL. It is just very disheartening. I am becoming completely disgusted with this generation of teenagers, and I feel like the longer I teach the more bitter and mean I will become towards them. I already just balk at every stupid thing they say. And sarcasm and patrionizing isn't a great motivator in the classroom. But at this point that is all I have left. So I am leaving teaching hopefully. I will do it in Chicago if I have to though. The apathy, the arrogance, the disrespect of these kids. I just can't deal with it. Maybe it is the South. Maybe it is the low income area I am in.

That is what I am focusing on right now other than the end of the year stuff I have going on at work. I am trying to line up a job for the move to Chicago. Cameron has some promising connections and will probably get a job before I do. Working with computers is such a huge field. Right now he is being interviewed for a job with Accenture. As for me- I am looking in a lot of fields. I have contacted directors from the Parents as Teachers programs in Chicago. That would be a dream job for me. Teaching parents what to do with their babies sounds so perfect. I just don't know how it pays and if they have any room for me. I am looking around and applying in similar fields as well.

I also had a great lead yesterday. I e-mailed Charna Halpern (remember her- the director of Improv Olympic?) and I told her I was looking for a job. She remembered CAmeron and I said that she "couldn't wait" until we got to Chicago (WHICH ALMOST MADE ME CRAP MYSELF) and then she said to e-mail her my resume' and she would check with all the big theatres to see if they had any work for me. I"m SO EXCITED about that and hopefully something will pan out. But who knows...

You would think with 4 years experience in Mental Health with kids, a B.S. in Theatre, and a teaching certificate SOMETHING would come along. Well who knows....

But the grea thing is I have a little cushion- I will get paid from Farmersville ISD a regular paycheck through August. So even if I didn't find a job 2 months after I got there I would still be okay. So that is AWESOME. It is rare to have a cushion like that when you relocate.

Wedding plays (no, no ring yet) are going well. What plans we can make without a ring at least...
The wedding will be in Tulsa next summer. Get ready for the wedding of the century. We are stoked. Now all I need is a ring. Cam has one, I know that. He just is waiting for the right time. The other day we watched Blood Diamond and I requested that he get me a "Non Conflict Diamond" or perhaps no diamond at all...but he said it was too late to make requests.

So that is what is going on with my life. If anyone can get me a job let me know.
Cam and I have watched 2 movies that were AWESOME. We watched "Blood Diamond" and "Notes on a Scandal". I would highly recommend both.
Anyway- keep in touch.


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