The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

What I've been doing


I know that it has been FOREVER since I blogged, but March is my busiest month. Now that my spring break has started I have a little time to catch you all up on what has been happening and what I have coming up. So here is what has been happening:

First of all, I did some great shows in the beginning of February for Valentine's Day. We had crowds of about 200 people for these dinner theatre shows, I made a lot of money and had a lot of fun.

The day before V-Day I had a month-changing event happen to me. So.....I had long brown hair on February 13. And then I went to get a "trim"....just a little off the edges to get the dead ends off. But instead I she gave me layers and I looked like Tom Wopat from Duke's of Hazzard. I cried and cried and cried and I cut it all off to my ears. Then I looked like a lesbian. When Cam came home, he told me that it looked great (he's a liar and I love him for it). But then he offered to send me to the best salon in Dallas for V-Day to get a new and stylish cut. So the next day I went to the Michael Tulley salon in Oaklawn (the gay part of Dallas so you know it was good) and I got a new stylish cut. It's really short. I modeled it after Sienna Miller's short cut. But I really love it. I think that all my life I have wanted what I never had- long straight hair. And I've wanted it so bad that I can't accept the fact that I look BETTER with short hair. I think I need to give up the dream.

So I have short hair. I like it.

The next weekend mom and dad came to visit, and Cam's mom and dad came as well. We ate at the rotating ball above Dallas and went to the "Women's Museum" (much to the guys' chagrin). It was very fun until Mom told me I would probably have retarded kids because I was so mean. Thanks Mom.

Around the middle of February I was asked to be in an original play for a playwrighting competition. The writer had heard from several people in the Dallas area that I was a great comedic actress (Yay!), and so she had me come and read and she liked me. So I spent the end of February rehearsing this play. I get to play a "holier-than-thou" Baptist Woman. One of her lines is

"First come the Baptists, and THEN the Roman Catholics. What you gotta remember is- John the Baptist was the FIRST Baptist even way back when Jesus was still a Jew. So really- there were Baptists before there were Christians...I think."

Pretty funny and fun for me to do. The show goes up this weekend and next weekend.

Things have been getting very busy for me as the One Act Play competition at the high school is getting down to the wire. You may remember this from last year- It's pretty much the most important thing in my job. I have to direct a play and there is all of these rules and regulations. We go to competition on March 28, and if we win we go on from there. Hopefully we will do well. I am directing a post-apocalyptic version of "Medea." I really think that we will do well- I have been working my butt off- sound,, lights, costumes, set, props, acting...I am in charge of all of it. It's a lot of weight on my shoulders. But I am excited.

So this spring break this week is a little stressful for me. It's the first spring break in a long time that I haven't gone anywhere. But I can't afford to and I don't want to. I have a huge "to do" list for the One Act Play, and I also have my OWN show up this weekend and next. Very busy. Oh- I am also moving all of my stuff into storage and moving in to Cameron's apartment for a couple of months. Did I mention that? That just adds more stress. Bad timing I guess, but that's okay. Joe Helmberger has been helping me out. He found me a storage unit in Farmersville for $30 a month (unreal- right!) and is helping me put my stuff in there. He has also been finding strange and random props for me for the show ( a huge metal trash can, chain, a stove). He's a great help.

I AM going to take 3 days out of the week this week to go and visit Amy, Andy, and Marley. I haven't seen them in a while and I am missing them. Marley is getting so big, and the pictures aren't doing her justice. So I am going to head up there.

After spring break we will be busy. Back to school for the final week of rehearsals before One Act Play competition. I am also taking my theatre classes to see a play in Dallas, so I will be out for a day this week. PLUS, the improv troupe that I direct has a show on Thursday. God, just thinking about all of it makes me stressed. The weekend of the 23-24 Cam and I are going to Austin for a wedding of his friend. It should be fun and fancy. Then the next week is One Act Play competition week, and I will be out of work, like, 3 days. It will be stressful. And I have to be out of my apartment by the 31st. Crazy.

Oh- and other good news- I have my appraisal at work on April 2, right after the stress ends. So I should pretty much be the most frazzled and unorganized teacher in the whole world on April 2. Bad timing. BUT, the original date for my appraisal was competition week. NOW THAT would have been bad. But I got it rescheduled thank God.

Anyway- in April things should start to slow down. We are going to visit Cam's neice, Emory, and his brother and sister-in-law.

Also- I am reading (listening to) a great book- Freakonomics. You should read it. It's awesome so far.

Love you all and miss you. Sorry it's been a while since I've blogged. It's been NUTS down here.



  • At 7:51 AM , Blogger Mom Oyler said...

    I just love it when you make me out to be horrible mother, but I am used to it. For everyone else, that comment about the retarded kids is completely out of context... and she started the silly joking conversation.

  • At 11:55 PM , Blogger Mrs. G said...

    oh you're a great mother...

    but when i said that i was going to have retarded kids because i thought i could handle and love them...YOU insisted that i would have retarded kids because i was so cruel to my sister.

    but you're still a great mother despite that.


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