The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Interesting Weekend

Well, Thursday Cameron, Jackie, and I are headed off to separate adventures.

For the second year, work will be paying for me to go to the Theatre Educators Conference. They pay gas, hotel, meals, get the picture. PLUS- I get off work for 2 days. This year the convention is in Houston, so Cameron and I will be headed down there on Thursday and conventioning until Sunday. It should be fun. Our friends Dan and Kim (Grimm...I think most of you have met them) are both theatre teachers, and will be down in Houston as well. So we plan on hanging out with them a lot.

I know what you are thinking....."What about poor little Jackie?"

Well, Jackie will be spending 4 days and nights at the luxurious Camp Bow-Wow in Lavon, TX. She will have great amenities- such as a 4by6 private sleeping quarters, a large indoor/outdoor climate controlled exercise area, and constant supervision. It will truly be a luxurious camping experience complete with a camp-fire, merit badges, and roasted marshmellows. Luckily, Jackie is already used to peeing and pooping outside, so this aspect of the "camping experience" won't be to shocking to her system.

Anyway- it is only $15 a night since it is in Lavon (small town rates), and it is a cool place. So she should have fun. But we've already been worrying about how much we are going to miss her.


Anyway- Cameron and I are also doing a show together right now. We are doing a Commedia show at the Hub Theatre. It is half improv comedy and half old school Commedia (think 15th century) and it should be really fun. It will run for a couple of weekends and then take a short break. The show is fun.

Hope all is well.



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