Like the energy little boys will put into things at the "trails". These guys worked their fanny's off. They even added extra security with that big chunk of cement. -- only to have it torn down within a week by someone who obviously didn't appreciate the work that went into it.
Sure makes us miss our little boys.
Love you guys.
Mom & Dad
At 10:08 AM ,
Mrs. G said...
Awwww....that's adorable.
But very poorly constructed. Dig out the old picture of the fort the boys built with the trash bags and the peek holes. I guess it makes sense though...they had a future architect on their building team.
Also- anyone remember the underground forts? I still tell stories about those because I'm so amazed that they were ever built...and amazed that i ever went in them.
At 2:56 PM ,
Dwayne said...
Yeh, seeing this really makes me happy. I guess little boys will always be little boys...
Those underground forts for really pretty amazing considering they were just made by little boys with machetes and a lot of time on their hands. But I have to say, Greg and Andy were the true aspiring architects. That thing out behind the garage with the birdcage periscope, and the flood conscious life raft innertube was a work of true creative genius...
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