The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Job News

Okay, well I know that some of you (Mom) are waiting to hear about Cam's job and whether he got it or not...but actually so are we.

We went and got Cam a new suit (courtesy of his grandma) at a place that was recommended to us called Suits 20 20. It's just a huge warehouse full of suits that are more than half off. So he got an awesome Kenneth Cole Reaction suit and a tie for around $250. And a little funny Jewish man helped us at the store. He told us "Okay since you're interviewing for the job we'll look at the $200 suits, and when you come back because you've gotten the job we can look at the $300 suits". He was super funny.

Anywho, Cam we went out for karaoke on Wednesday night and Cam went to his interview Thursday afternoon. He said that it went very well, and they told him that he pretty much has it in the bag- they just have to check his references. So we are hoping that that goes well so that they will make him an offer Monday. We are very hopeful as they sounded very perhaps he has the job...we just have to wait for now.

Okay, as for my job news- here's what's going on. Dan and I went to a Chicago Public Schools Job Fair yesterday afternoon. It was a pain in the ass- it was in Chinatown so we had to ride the train for an hour and then walk almost a mile. But what was the REAL pain in the ass was that there were NO open positions for Theatre teachers in any high school there. There was ONE position for elementary/junior high theatre. So, I interviewed for it. Well, the principal told me that they are "not exactly sure" if they have a position open because they have 70 teachers and they can move people around so they are not exactly sure if they are adding a drama department. I don't know. It was ridiculous. So Dan and I pretty much wasted our time.

Also, I knew that the standards for teaching were really high in Illinois because the state pays them so well...but I didn't know HOW HIGH. Well, we found out yesterday that you can't even be a substitute here without having a B.S. in Education. So, even though I have been a certified teacher with 2 years experience....I can't be a substitute.

That is ridiculous. But hey- I'm glad to hear that SOMEONE is trying to raise the standards in the classroom. Because it seems that everywhere else is just making them lower and lower. While I'm really grateful that I could become a teacher while I was teaching and get "Alternative Certification", I don't know if that is really the right direction to go in education. Perhaps they should, instead, take care of the teacher shortage in Texas (and other states) by paying their teachers more....then they could also start raising the standards.

Anyway- I will get off my soapbox and back on track.

Here is what else is going on. So, I put an add on craigslist about being an experienced bar-band singer that wanted to start playing again...and I got a CRAZY response. I got so many e-mails. After weeding out the bad and the old and the creepy...I actually found some great prospects.

One is a band called The*Match*Factory$ that is an established band here in Chicago already. They play "obscure covers" as they call it, and they are really good. You can check them out on their website I love the music that they play- Shelby Lynne, Susan Tedeschi, Sheryl Crow...stuff like that. And they have gigs already set and, like I said, are established. Well, the deal is- they already have a lead singer...a chick...and they like her....but she is not wanting to commit to the band as they are- she only wants to play about one time a month. And the rest of the band, although they said "they have day jobs and work always comes first. They have no dreams of stardom- they just enjoy playing", they want to play a little more than once per month.

So, they are contractually obligated to stick with her until August 9, but after that they are going to talk about parting ways with her. They like her and they think she's awesome- they just want to play more than she does. Well, they have heard me (I sent some mp3s) and they really like me. So this weekend I am going to meet with the guy who put them together and jam a little with him...see what I think. And if we like each other I might join up in August. So that would be awesome.

I also met another guy who is about my age and just a normal dude. Works in sales, kindof frat-boy-ish. We have the exact same taste in music and he's super-cool. We've talked back and forth this week...and he knows a million songs and sings and can play by ear and pick out songs really fast. And though he's never gigged before- he really wants to. And what I figure is- the guy is so cool that even if I don't end up doing gigs with him I might end up being friends with him. Cam and I are going out tonight to meet him at a bar and hang out. I think we'll definitely end up playing though.

As far as "real jobs" and Parents as Teachers- I just have to wait. I have applied for 3 open Drama Teacher positions in Skokie/Evanston district, and waiting to hear back. I also have to wait on Parents as Teachers because they don't start up until next month. But I am very excited after having talked to the State Director. She said they will probably have a spot for me and I sound perfect for PAT. So that is good.

Anyway- that is what is going on here. Making friends and trying to get jobs. Hope all is well with everyone else.

Miss you and love you.



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