The Oyler Family Blog

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Friday, November 30, 2007

Thanksgiving Pics

I got some great shots at Thanksgiving. Thought I would share them...

Don't think she wants Aunt Lindsay

Grandma, Amy, and Marley

Grandma shows Marley her little piddys

Marley thinks Grandma is SO FUNNY!

I mean...she is FU-NNY!

So is Marley! Is that real cheetah skin on that body suit?

Marley loves putting on her lipstick

She looks a little like a Precious Moment in this pic

Allen, Andy, and Mom and Dad chatting it up

Marley doing a little light reading. I think she read a great article about memory

Lins and Cam hanging out

Amy and Marley

Did Marley get electrocuted before this picture?


  • At 8:31 PM , Blogger Mom Oyler said...

    Love the pics, except that one that looks like I have a problem with nose, you could delete that one if you want. I love the one where she was throwing her head back and laughing!!!


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