The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

THE DIET is the diet that Cameron and I started on Monday. It's pretty intense, and it's a two-week process. It goes as follows

for first week eat:

can eat fresh or organic vegetables
no corn or potatoes
boil or steam veggies
only one tsp of butter with each meal
can eat beans (as long as no added sugar)
can eat fresh or organic fruits except for bananas
can only drink green tea
must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day!
you can use as many spices as you want including salt and pepper

you can't use artificial sweeteners.

during week 2
-you do the same except you add grilled or baked chicken and fish. more fish than chicken.

also, during the entire thing you get a box of pills that costs about 20$ from Whole Foods and you take them the entire time.

My friend Chad and his wife did this diet. He lost 15 pounds and 4 inches off of his waist in 2 weeks. And felt great!
this diet is pretty intense...but it works.

The best thing about this diet so far is what it is doing to Cameron and I mentally. Emotionally we don't see food the same way. We both sort of use food for emotional comfort and because it is so delicious (me more so than him), but now we just see it as nourichment for our bodies. Things that we used to find disgusting are really appealling to us because beggars can't be choosers. We are so limited in what we can eat. Sweet potatoes with butter and cinnamon taste like a dream, and a gala apple is like heaven. It's really changed our opinions on food and what we like. It's great.

We both are doing great, and we are 4 days in. The first couple of days were hard for me because I had to cut out Diet Coke's and Coffee. I basically detoxed from caffeine. I was probably drinking at least 2 Diet Coke's and 4 cups of coffee per day. That's a lot of caffeine. Now I get about 1/8 of that from the cup of Green Tea that I drink per day.

I cheated once. I couldn't help myself on Tuesday night and I had a granola bar. I felt TERRIBLE afterwards and didn't want to tell Cameron, but I felt really bad because we are in this together. But hey- I guess if I'm going to cheat a granola bar isn't such a bad choice. I should have had a Snickers or something to make it worth its while.

Anyways, only give me words of encouragement or I will kill you.

Happy Thursday.


ps- Oh, I've attached a picture of how I feel about the diet. It is a love/hate relationship. I hope that comes across in the picture.


  • At 7:23 PM , Blogger Mom Oyler said...

    The love /hate comes through load and clear!!! Congrats on the diet, I suggested I would like to do it here but couldn't get your dad interested in dieting with me -imagine that, guess we'll wait til someone has a heart attack then we'll check into it.

  • At 1:21 AM , Blogger Jenny said...

    I had a coworker who was on the detox diet. I think she had wanted to lose some weight but the main reason was that she felt bloated all the time. Her nutritionist suggested that she detox for a month. When she started eating different food again, she would know what was making her feel sick. I think it was wheat that was making her bloated. Anyway, she also liked that she was drinking so much water. She felt that her skin was much better too because of it.

  • At 11:18 AM , Blogger Mrs. G said...

    andy- i hate you

    mom- thanks for the encouragement. it's definetely easier to do this with someone doing it alongside me. we encourage each other. dad will come around the first time he has a health issue...he just hasn't had one yet. congrats dad!

    jenny- i haven't felt lighter yet. my skin doesn't feel better. however, like i said, the emotional things that it is doing is wonderful.

  • At 2:50 PM , Blogger Mrs. G said...

    dad- that's how i felt back in the old days

    andy- i still hate you


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