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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bill O'Reilly Rant (read discretion advised)

This is an excerpt from film OutFoxed, where ex-Fox News producers talk about what went on behind the scenes at Bill O'Reilly and what a liar he is- he claims to have more Democrat guests than Republican Guests, not have a line-up of what he is going to talk about, etc.

Bill is just rude and overbearing. It's easy to win an argument when you interrupt your opponent every other sentence- ineffective communication, Bill. Doesn't matter if the other opponent's point is not something you agree with OR is just downright stupid. It's professional and gives you more credibility to let them finish. Your "debates" might actually be worth of the name if you weren't just attacking opponents that you booked for your show based on the fact that they were weak.

Also, PS Bill O'Reilly- telling a gay teenager to "shutup" about "his sex" (with disgust and disdain in your voice) is just as much of a douche-bag thing to say as just simply "Shutup!" I've seen the clip- he wasn't even talk about his sex life. He was a young kid who had just come out of the closet. So what you REALLY meant was "Shutup about your sexuality".Have you ever asked a straight person to just "shutup" about their sexuality before? Didn't think so. Homophobe Jerk.

This one is Stephen Colbert on Bill O'Reilly. Totally hysterical because Colbert's show is a 100% exact satire of The O'Reilly Factor. Stephen never loses his cool and is so awesome when O'Reilly tries to throw him off-balance.

Anyway- you should watch them. At least to see how Colbert out-articulates O'Reilly by a million miles.



  • At 7:34 PM , Blogger Mom Oyler said...

    Dad wants to know....Do you ever WATCH the O'Reilly Factor?????

  • At 12:13 AM , Blogger Mrs. G said...

    I watch long as I can stand it before I get pissed and HAVE to turn it. I always enjoy watching it when he has a worthy opponent on. It's always interesting- Bill paints it like he "wins" the argument and gets to pat himself on the back for how "amazing" he is...and all the liberals turn the channel knowing who REALLY got duped. It's pretty funny.


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