The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Mom and Dad

Had a question about this so I thought I would clear it up-

Our blog has named "contributers" that I have invited to the blog as members of the family- Andy, Amy, Greg, Jenny, Dwayne, Katie, Mom Oyler, and Dad Oyler.

When Joe and Debbie Helmberger comment on our blog they are commenting as "guests". They have their own family blog that is hosted at blogspot also. So, they named themselves "mom" and "dad" because they are contributers to their own family blog. I didn't name them "mom" and "dad"- they appropriately did for their own kids. When they comment on our blog their names still come up as "mom" and "dad" because those are the profile names they have chosen. Just wanted to clear that up so that Mom and Dad Oyler didn't think I was calling them "mom" and "dad".....though I do call them Mom and Dad Helmberger from time to time because they have, like, 14 million kids (including me as a surrogate while I was away from my own parents) "Mom" and "Dad" have pretty much become their first names.

Anyway- Joe and Debbie keep up with me through our blog just like I keep up with them through theirs. Make sense? I hope so.



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