The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Monolopy and other childish things

So...last night we went over to Tanya's to have some beers and play Monopoly with her,
R. Kevin (my friend from college), and Anne (his lady). It was super-fun, but let me tell you something:

I haven't played Monopoly since I was, oh, about 14...and I never actually made it to the part where you buy houses and hotels. I mean, we always got bored before that point. So let me tell you- that shit can get vicious!! I mean, it was pretty intense. I started out owning all of the property on the board. It was awesome. But by the end I had to mortgage all of my property and give up all my cash because I kept landing on Boardwalk (which was, like, the ONLY property that R.Kevin had a monopoly on so he put hotels on it and destroyed us all). Anyway- it was quite an experience and I have a whole new appreciation for Monopoly.

In other news, Cam got a bracelet yesterday at Barnes and Noble so that he could go get the new (and final) Harry Potter book this morning at 9 a.m.. I have been giving him shit all week about it, but hey- there could be a lot worse things for him to be obsessed with (kiddie porn?), so I am okay with his utter nerdiness. So, I am here today while he is out listening to his book. He says that it could potentially be "the best entertainment experience of his life." He probably wouldn't want me telling you that...especially Andy...because it will give you fuel to burn him with for the rest of his life. Oh well...



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