The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Making Music

Okay guys- a little band update.

Wanted to let everyone know that they can refer people to both


to hear music and see promo pics and stuff. The sites should be well-equipped with music and pics by the end of the month.



  • At 6:47 AM , Blogger Dad Helmberger said...

    My you've been busy. I still have not heard from Carolyn Read - you still in the running for the job?

  • At 11:07 AM , Blogger Mrs. G said...

    I'm still in the running for the job...I'm pretty sure at least. She wanted to make final decisions this week so let's hope she decides on me.

  • At 1:16 PM , Blogger Mom Oyler said...

    Sounds like both dads think you have too much time on your hands...since you've been blogging so much...."that girl needs a job".
    For myself, I will miss all the blogs when you do go to work

  • At 9:00 PM , Blogger Mrs. G said...

    I will still blog a lot. I won't be working THAT much. Everyone quit judging me.

  • At 9:02 PM , Blogger Mrs. G said...

    Oh and PS-

    You're supposed to comment on WHAT i blog...not HOW MUCH I blog. Andy called me today to tell me congrats on the band and catch up a little bit. He's got the right idea.

  • At 9:11 PM , Blogger Mom Oyler said...

    Oh Linds, just kidding, not judging. And I too have talked via phone, remember?

  • At 6:31 AM , Blogger Dad Helmberger said...

    Sorry, I have not phoned and Lord knows who am I to judge. My comment about how busy you are did not reflect on the quantity
    OR quality of your posts - just on what all you guys have been up to. I have become accustomed to checking your blog every morning at 6:00 when I crank things up here at the office. Often times it provides my first laugh of the day. By the way, have you changed your oil lately?

  • At 5:12 PM , Blogger Mrs. G said...

    Thanks for the explanation Joe. Glad to know you're reading.

    I haven't had my oil changed since before we got here. But I also haven't driven more than 500 miles since then either. So I should be fine for a while. The car just sits around most of the time.


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