The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

August, Osage County

Hey guys-

We were watching the Tony's tonight, and watching clips and awards given to the new play "August, Osage County."

Do you guys think this is hilarious that there is a play written about and set in the county that borders our home-county of Montgomery county, Kansas?

Anyway- I thought it was.

For Joe- Osage County is the county in Oklahoma that houses Bartlesville, OK, borders Tulsa county, and borders the county that Coffeyville is in. I mean- it's where we're from. And now it's the subject of a Tony-award-winning play.

The writer is from Tulsa, OK and is an ensemble member here at Steppenwolf Theater in Chicago. I'm going to try to get in contact with him and tell him I'm from the beautiful town of Coffeyville, KS and that if a tornado went through his county it went through mine.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

I don't want to brag....

But this panoramic picture that Cam took about a month ago at the el stop rocks my face off...

Memorial Day Weekend highlights...

We had a fabulous time in Springfield relaxing with Amy, Andy, Marley, Curtis, Stacy, Max, and Adia.......

Sometimes on Memorial Day you just want to wake up, get dressed, kick up your feet, and read your favorite book....

Cam, Max, and Adia, spent A LOT of time reading...

And I mean A LOT...

Max and Cam did a lot of bonding over literature

While Marley hung out in her PJs...

I'm confident your Memorial Day wasn't as awesome as ours...but that's only because I love footed pajamas with ducks on them and hearing kids saying "Mine!" for hours at a time...


Greg's Wedding

A few pictorial highlights from my camera....

The surprise


Now that's one motley crue
And now some gratuitous Marley shots