The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Cold Day in the No-Spin Zone

I thought that this was note-worthy and that I should post it.

If you know me then you know that I really don't like Bill O'Reilly for a number of reasons. Well, I just wanted to say that on this latest hot issue, I am adamantly defending him.

His "racist comments" were COMPLETELY taken out of context. Basically, he was being sarcastic when he made the comments about Sylvia. If you watch Bill then you know that he's very sarcastic. He was being so when he said that people were sitting down quietly eating in this black restaurant and not "screaming m'effer". He was being sarcastic basically saying "Wow! You mean black and white people eat at restaurants the same? I can't believe it!"

As for the other comments that he made- they were all about a "black crisis" that is going on with parts of black culture. He was addressing the "crisis" because his guest was black and it was a relevant issue. It's just that when a rich white man addresses the problems of lower-class black people- strangely enough they don't take to it too well. So, it's not that Bill wasn't accurate or genuine with the comments that he made about the "black crisis"- it's just that when you are rich white and powerful you aren't "allowed" to talk about such things.

While he and I don't agree on much, we agree on our view of the black crisis in parts of America- 75% of black children are in single-parent homes and therefore lacking guidance from one parent, and to add to that lack of guidance- the role models that are pushed on them by society, the media, and television are rappers who glorify the "thug" life and things like going to prison and being shot rather than getting an education and working your way up the corporate ladder. And that's a crisis, obviously. You can't have children looking to rappers as role models. And children emulating the rap culture are out there. I see them when I walk down my street. It's sad. And I know that O'Reilly addressed this in his latest "fiasco". That's part of what has him in hot water.

It's a tricky situation when you are a rich white man addressing black problems because it paints you as a racist. That's understandable. If a person of another race started addressing problems in white culture we would call them a racist too. But this is even worse- a rich white male is at the "top of the food chain" so to speak, and a poor black female is at the bottom (sadly) and that is who ends up feeling attacked here. Even though Bill really wants to attack corporations and media for turning negative rappers into role models- the people who feel more attacked are the young black mothers of the black children. The LAST person they want telling how to raise their children is a rich white man- a person who can't relate to them AT TALL. So I understand why people are quick to jump on Bill, but it's really without cause. He's saying the same things that Bill Cosby said a few years at the 50th Anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education and got his ass reemed about. And Cosby got DESTROYED by the media. Poor guy. He just wanted to address the issues in his race; he wasn't saying that all black people are bad.

So I understand why people jumped on O'Reilly because talking about race is a touchy thing, especially when it's another race you are addressing. But, it's unwarranted because his intentions as far as race are nothing but good. He was being sarcastic in his comments about Sylvia's restaurant in Harlem, and being sincere in his comments about black children emulating rap culture. Bill has ALWAYS fought back against big corporations using rap artists to sell problems (because it only ups their popularity). But he doesn't fight the corporations because he hates black people- he fights them because he doesn't like certain rap artists (they aren't ALL negative) being idolized by children. Understandable.

Bill and I agree on something. I am a big enough person to admit this. I feel for the guy.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Cubs Win! Cubs Win!

Well, the Cubs game last night was a BLAST! We could not have asked for a better game, better seats for the price, or better weather.

Our seats were great, and it was 75 degrees all night. Perfect.

The Cubs lead going into the 4th inning 4-2, but then the Reds came back and had a 6-4 lead by the end of the 7th inning. Some fans starting going home during the 8th inning, but then, in the bottom of the 9th the Cubs scored 3 runs to win it. It was VERY EXCITING!

So, the Cubs still remain one game ahead of the Milwaukee Brewers in their division. Yay!

Perfect timing on this picture...

I had on my Cubs gear, but I was still repping A&M at the game...

This is the old-man Cubs band that plays outside of the field...
The team celebrating after the game...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Go Cubbies!

Well, Cameron and I are going to our first Cubs game tonight at Wrigley Field. We are very excited, and the Cubs are #1 in their division, so that is AWESOME! They are playing the Cincinnati Reds, which is not a big rival or anything- but they are in the same division. We got great seats for very cheap. I will be doing a photo diary of the experience. You can be your butt on that one.


Sunday, September 16, 2007


I had an acoustic gig last night, and I thought I would share this cool pic that Cam took with one of the "night effects" on my camera.


Saturday, September 15, 2007


Well, it is official: I am hilarious.

I auditioned and was accepted into the prestigious Second City Improv Conservatory. I begin training this week.

Now, some of you might be asking "What does this even mean?" or "What happens now?" or "Does this mean that my sister/daughter/aunt/sister-in-law is famous and I should start asking her for money?" Let me answer all of these questions.

So- there are basically 3 main training facilities here in Chicago (and in the nation for that matter only excluding The Groundlings in L.A., which has many famous alum) and they are :

-Annoyance Theatre (owned by Mick Napier who is currently widely regarded as the best improviser in the world)

-iO (formerly Improv Olympic owned by Charna Halpern who is the lady that I met in January in Houston)

-and The Second City (which has schools in 5 different U.S. cities and also Toronto which is where Mike Myers and all of those Canadians studied).

And Annoyance, iO, and Second City all have 5-level improv programs that you can pay to enter and you just get in (Second City has a "Beginner Improv" program, which is not what I am in). Each level is $250 and 2 months of your time 1 night a week. So, you can spend $1000 in a year and graduate from any one of these programs- which is awesome and most people here go through EACH program (yes- that's $3000 and 3 years, which I hope that I won't have to do).

But, here's the difference with the Improv Conservatory at Second City that I was accepted into. Each of those 3 programs that I mentioned before hold these truths:

A) Anyone can go through the program as long as you pay your money
B) Anyone can graduate all five levels as long as you pay your money
C) You don't have to audition to get in
D) You are guaranteed NOTHING as far as performance or success. You can, in all reality, graduate a program and never even perform once or get your "break".

And, I won't knock those programs because they are all awesome and you learn a lot and come out a better improviser. You can also put the name of the company on your resume', which is equally as awesome. But here the difference with the Improv Conservatory and why I chose it:

A) You have to audition to get in
B) You have to audition after Level 1 to get into Level 2 (basically, you can't suck and you have to keep getting better or they "trim the fat" from the class, so to speak)
C) You have to have at least a year of improv training and acting classes post- high school
D) If accepted into Level 2, you get the opportunity to perform in the Skybox Theatre at Second City while you are in Levels 3-5

So, while each program here in the city is awesome, the Conservatory program is sought after by a lot of people. Many people, I guess, want to go to Second City for the name recognition (probably none of you have heard of Annoyance, but I bet all of you have heard of Second City). I am included in this group of people. I want to go the place that is most well-known so that I can network and have it on my resume'. But I also chose it for the reasons above. There are people here in the city (we know a couple) who have auditioned for the Conservatory several times in hopes to get in. They hold auditions ever 2 months or so for Level 1 (and you HAVE to start with Level 1 no matter who you are). So, I feel very honored and privileged to even be accepted. Now, I just want to do well.

You might be thinkin "Oooooookay- so what happens IF you make it through the Level 2 audition and IF you perform in the Second City Skybox? What THEN?"

The truth is- I don't know. But what this program and all programs here do is open the doors to a lot of opportunities. People get to see me. Teachers get to see me. People who run programs here get to see me. I can get put on a permanent troupe or team or group. It's just like any other performance art- you just need the right people to see you and opportunities open up. It's very uncertain and very exciting.

So- I'm excited. I can't wait to get my improv ass handed to me, which I totally will.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Latest Marley Pics

Here are the most recent pics of Marley. Too cute, in my opinion.

In Mackinaw Island with her dad making the "Woah!" face. (How skinny does Andy look in this picture?)

Bath hair in Mackinaw.

On call, Marley will make "the face". This is "the face."

Marley climbed in a cabinet.

Marley is doing a little deep-thinking on the beach at Mackinaw.

"The face" again.

Amy and Marley at Mackinaw (cute picture of Amy!)

When "the gang" stopped by Chicago to visit us. Jackie was excited...
Marley being goofy and snuggly with her doggy.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Running of the Brides

I just got my photos back from NBC's RUNNING OF THE BRIDES. Here are a few:

This is right after I got my Bride Credentials. We were excited!

Me hanging out into the wee hours...

I took this picture with huge Roker...
Cam listened to Harry Potter while we waited late into the night...
Getting ready to run for the dresses. You can see me in the back making a peace sign

Birthday Slideshow!

I had a great time at my birthday. Here are the pics to prove it!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Flower Girl Dresses

I've been promising Cam's mom for a week that I would post these, and I'm finally getting around to it now that I have my NEW AWESOME BIRTHDAY CAMERA!

The camera is awesome- 7 megapixels, video camera, and all kinds of awesome features. Thanks Cam!

Anywho, here's my lovely flower girl dresses that I got on a red tag sale. Emory and Marley will look SO CUTE in these next summer (I got the appropriate sizes for a year from now). My colors are peach, light green, and brown, so these go perfectly with my colors. I'm going to buy some extra fluff for the bottom so that they look like little princesses.


Friday, September 07, 2007

The Second City and other news

Well, here's the good/bad news:

Good: I got a job

Good: It pays as much as I made at Farmersville teaching full time

Good: It is flexible if I need it to be

Bad: It's substitute teaching

Bad: It's K-8

Bad: I hate teaching little kids

So, that's the good and the bad of it. I'm happy to have a job but I'm going to keep hunting because, truthfully, my body and mind can't really handle the anxiety of not knowing from day-to-day what I will be doing. And that's the case with subbing. You have the constant feeling of not knowing what the hell is going on because you are walking into a classroom where there is a daily consistent routine that you don't know...and you are relying on 8-year-olds to guide you along. It's terrible and I hate it. But it's a job and it pays well. Pretty funny that it pays just as much as full-time teaching in F-Ville doesn't it? Makes you wonder what MIGHT POSSIBLY be the cause of the teacher shortage in Texas doesn't it???

Anywho, in other news we had our Second City audition today. I am happy to have it overwith because it was completely nerve-racking for me. Basically, Second City has an improv program for beginners that ANYONE can be in. The reason that we auditioned is because we want to be in the Second City Conservatory for experienced improvisors. What's really tough though is that the audition is so short you really have no time at all to prove your talent. By the time you get rid of the nervousnesses the audition is already over. But we think that we did well. Dan, Cam and I all auditioned together. There were 10 people- 5 men and 5 women. The boys said that I was the best girl- but who knows...they have to live with me (and in Cam's case- marry me) so they will say whatever to make me feel good (and I love them for it). But, I don't know. I personally think that we were the best 3 out of the 10. But the tough thing is that they don't have to take a certain number out of each group. And there were 7 groups that auditioned today and we don't know what kind of talent came out of the groups. So who's a crapshoot. If I don't make it I will be disappointed, but I will also know that these people could not adequately judge my talent in just 30 minutes. There is no way. So, if I do not make it I will just go to iO and start classes there. Not a big deal. But it would be totally awesome....

Also- tomorrow is my birthday. So that is awesome. I am halfway through my 20s!!!


Wednesday, September 05, 2007


So, sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's been a busy week and it continues to be busy.

So, Saturday I had a gig and it went pretty well. There were a lot of people there, and that was fun- great energy. There were some issues within the band, but I think they will all be resolved.

Sunday- Amy, Andy, and Marley stopped for a brief visit. Marley was even cuter than I remember. Andy was even uglier than I remember. We had a great lunch and went down to the park and beach. It was fun and it was nice to see them- plus I got some birthday VS bras out of the deal, so I'm pretty excited about that. It's really creep to have your brother give you bras as a gift by the way....but I can get past that.

Tuesday I had an interview to teach preschool at a Jewish temple in downtown Chicago. Basically, the director loved me but I don't have the Early Childhood Development credits that I need to be formally qualified. It doesn't eve matter that I'm certified. But she loved me and she said that if she gets to Monday and hasn't found someone she is going to beg her board of directors to let her hire me. Oh well.

Last night we also had a game night at the apartment where we played Taboo and decided that we were going to enforce game nights to be played in each of our families when we have them. It was great fun and Cameron and I kicked ass. But it's one of those games where you are in teams and the teams do way better if they know each other. Cam and I nailed it- looks like we can get married.

Today I have band practice and, of course, am still on the hunt for a job. I've been working like crazy trying to get one so that I don't even have to get started at my job at Howard Community Center. I hate the idea of starting and then quitting on them. But oh well- people here keep telling me that I'll lose that small-town idea of "loyalty" really soon when it comes to making money. I hope that's not true- but they are right in that I have to pay the bills.

On another note, I am getting free things all over the place:

I won a free party at the legendary Dueling Piano Bar Howl at the Moon. The party gets me and up to 100 friends (I have 8 in the city so far):

*Free cover (as long as you arrive before 7)
*Each of our first 2 drinks for $1 (as long as you arrive before 7)
*Free party buffet until 7
*Discounted drinks (after the first 2) until 10

So I'm pretty excited about that. My party is scheduled for the 14th of September.

And last night, I got a call from a Mary Kay consultant because I am registered on for my wedding planning. And she said that I had won for me and 5 of my friends:

*Lip, eye, and skin treatments
*Color testing
$10 gift certificate

It will take 2 hrs and I get to bring my friends who all get the same thing. So I'm stoked.

So, this Friday we have our Second City audition on Friday- probably one of the most important 30-minute periods of my entire life. So please keep me in mind between the hours of 5:30 and 6 p.m. as I will be so nervous I will be about to throw up on myself.

Then, the next day is MY BIRTHDAY! I turn 25 on Saturday, and I am baffled at how I got half-way through my 20s without even realizing it.




Well, I just got a call from Chicago International Charter School to interview for a substitute position. They said that they are interviewing a bunch of people, which just solidifies the fact that education in Illinois is hardcore. I might not even be qualified because I don't have an education degree...but we'll see. This state is hardcore. We were HURTING to find subs in Farmersville, and we would hire just about anyone judging from the quality of some of my subs when I was there. So, I have an interview tomorrow to be a sub- hopefully that will go well.