The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bill O'Reilly Rant (read discretion advised)

This is an excerpt from film OutFoxed, where ex-Fox News producers talk about what went on behind the scenes at Bill O'Reilly and what a liar he is- he claims to have more Democrat guests than Republican Guests, not have a line-up of what he is going to talk about, etc.

Bill is just rude and overbearing. It's easy to win an argument when you interrupt your opponent every other sentence- ineffective communication, Bill. Doesn't matter if the other opponent's point is not something you agree with OR is just downright stupid. It's professional and gives you more credibility to let them finish. Your "debates" might actually be worth of the name if you weren't just attacking opponents that you booked for your show based on the fact that they were weak.

Also, PS Bill O'Reilly- telling a gay teenager to "shutup" about "his sex" (with disgust and disdain in your voice) is just as much of a douche-bag thing to say as just simply "Shutup!" I've seen the clip- he wasn't even talk about his sex life. He was a young kid who had just come out of the closet. So what you REALLY meant was "Shutup about your sexuality".Have you ever asked a straight person to just "shutup" about their sexuality before? Didn't think so. Homophobe Jerk.

This one is Stephen Colbert on Bill O'Reilly. Totally hysterical because Colbert's show is a 100% exact satire of The O'Reilly Factor. Stephen never loses his cool and is so awesome when O'Reilly tries to throw him off-balance.

Anyway- you should watch them. At least to see how Colbert out-articulates O'Reilly by a million miles.


Thank you gays!

Well, after a summer of worrying about what I was going to do when my health insurance runs out in September, the problem is solved- courtesy of the gays!

Cameron is able to put me on his new health insurance through his new job at Robert Half. We have lived together long enough that I am considered a "domestic partner."

Looks like living in sin DOES have its perks.


Monday, July 30, 2007

Britney and K-Fed

You know what I was thinking today? My, my the tides have turned:

Remember when all of America was just devastated and shocked when "glamorous", "beautiful", "talented" Britney Spears married Kevin Federline and then bore him two little ankle-biters?

It's strange that NOW she is so crazy, disgusting, and inappropriate that we are calling for him to get custody of those kids.

I guess you can only hide your true Louisiana redneck colors for so long. She has taken quite a fall from grace.

Anyway- that's my thought for the day.


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Moving to Chicago Slide Show

I documented the move to Chicago in photos. Photos of the apartment are also included.

Mom and Dad

Had a question about this so I thought I would clear it up-

Our blog has named "contributers" that I have invited to the blog as members of the family- Andy, Amy, Greg, Jenny, Dwayne, Katie, Mom Oyler, and Dad Oyler.

When Joe and Debbie Helmberger comment on our blog they are commenting as "guests". They have their own family blog that is hosted at blogspot also. So, they named themselves "mom" and "dad" because they are contributers to their own family blog. I didn't name them "mom" and "dad"- they appropriately did for their own kids. When they comment on our blog their names still come up as "mom" and "dad" because those are the profile names they have chosen. Just wanted to clear that up so that Mom and Dad Oyler didn't think I was calling them "mom" and "dad".....though I do call them Mom and Dad Helmberger from time to time because they have, like, 14 million kids (including me as a surrogate while I was away from my own parents) "Mom" and "Dad" have pretty much become their first names.

Anyway- Joe and Debbie keep up with me through our blog just like I keep up with them through theirs. Make sense? I hope so.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Anne Coulter is a crazy, stupid, bitch

I already hated her, but this:

and this:

make me hate her even more.



I set up an audition tomorrow for the 2007/2008 season of the Rogue Theater and Rascal Children's Theater here in Chicago. I'm not sure if I'm auditioning to be in plays throughout the year or if I'm auditioning to be part of their ensemble, meaning I would be in several plays. But I'm anxious to find out and nervous about the audition. Here is a link to the Theater's website:

Wish me luck!


"Running of the Bride-zillas"

Okay, so let me preface this entry by letting you know that I am going to purposely spell things a little wrong and add little asterisks and signs to some of the important names- like the TV network, the name of the TV show, and the segment name. I don't want anyone to search for those things and have my entry come up. Just protecting my privacy here...

Okay, so on Wednesday Andy e-mailed me and told me that the TO*DAY show was doing their "Running$of$the$Brides" thing on Thursday....IN CHICAGO! So, after checking out the info and discussing it with Cam- I decided to do it. I slept until noon that day, and I don't have a, hey- WHY NOT???

So, here is basically the way that it worked- the TO*DAY show is ALSO doing their "Throwing a Wedding" thing where they pick a couple and throw their wedding for them on the show. So, what you have to do is fill out the application for that bull$hit and bring it to stand in line to be in the "Running*of*the*Brides" thing. So, the application was like 10 miles long and we know that we won't get picked- they always pick some generic Barbie and Ken looking couple to do that- and we hardly fit the mold. But we filled it out.

Now, we didn't know exactly what the situation was going to be when it came to lining up and getting in and all of that. All that the website rules said was "Bring your application" and "You may not line up prior to midnight the night before the competition" and "The first 50 brides in line will be eligible to win a wedding dress". does that mean that even if I get in line I may go through a screening process and they may not pick me? Does that mean that if I line up at midnight I will have to stay there until 7 a.m. or will I get to go home? It was very vague.

But we figured "what the hell- we'll do it". So, Wednesday I had an open mic gig with this new guitarist and harmonica player, and after that we headed over to the N*B*C building. It was about 11:45 p.m. when we arrived, and we expected to see a bazillion people.....but we ended up being 11th in line. We couldn't believe it. And, just as a sidenote- when it was all said and done and everyone was lined up- there were only 35 brides. They made it look like a lot more on TV. The producer told us that only 24 showed up in Vegas the day before.

So, at midnight they started calling us up and we turned in our application, took a picture with our fiance (if we didn't already bring one), got our little "badge" to get us on the show, and got back in line.......ALL NIGHT. We really didn't think it was going to be that easy- but it was.

So, Cameron took the hour-long train ride back to the apartment and brought my Jeep back with chairs and food (he's the best). And we prepared to just hang out all night. Cam finished his Harry Potter book after about an hour and he was stuck with my conversation. It poured rain and stormed ALL NIGHT- no joke. It was lightning and thundering really bad. But fortunately we were under and overhang on the building.

Here are 2 cool things that happened while we were in line-

1) We were both interviewed by the local Milwaukee news station. It was pretty cool. I told them why our relationship was interesting and then the anchor asked Cameron what kind of dress he would pick if he were the one running- he said that he would pick something "bedazzled" with streamers and beads. It got a big laugh. We tried to find the clip online so that we could see the interview but we couldn't. If I do I'll post it.

2) The girl next to me was one of the 3 black girls in line. She told me "black people don't do this stuff. All of my friends told me that I said 'well they do now!" She was really cool. But the coolest thing about her was that she was a writer for Ebony magazine. She spent all day Tuesday with one of my favorite rapper/actors- Mos Def. She was very cool

Anyway- so 5: 30 a.m. rolled around and things started to get going. They wheeled out all of the dresses so that we could see them from about 30 feet away- and THE WHOLE MOOD OF THE CROWD CHANGED. It was all fun and games until they brought those dresses out...and you really couldn't even see them. But it made it serious. Then the producers told us that the total retail of all 50 dresses was about $95,000. It was on.

When Al&Roker showed up we had to start doing a bunch of camera shots and stuff. So we did all of that. At 6:45ish we did the first live shot with Al doing the weather and us in the background. Several of my friends have told me that we were right behind Al and you could see us plainly- Cameron was making really cheesy faces and yelling "Roookker!" really loud. He tried to get the crowd to chant "Roooker" but I stifled him.

So, at 7 a.m. they put us all under that big tent that you saw on TV and you saw me again on TV right behind Al. I don't know how I managed to get right behind him on every shot- it wasn't on purpose. But I did. Also- as another sidenote- I TOTALLY should have had the Bride-Cam on. I mean come on- Liz was completely generic. She was wearing pearls with a polo for godssake. I would have been hilarious. But whatever N*B*C.

Anyway- when they honked the horn to begin it was madness really. But, there were about 3 little girls (under a size 7) there and we were very disappointed when we saw the dresses- they were all size 8, 10, and 12. I give credit to the producers for knowing the average size of a woman....but it didn't work for me. I needed a 2 or a 4. So, I basically grabbed a dress just to make sure that I had one in hand to make a trade. So, the trading began.

I soon realized that NONE of these dresses were going to be my dream dress. I want a very simple inexpensive gown- these were not that. Even if they HAD fit me, I didn't really like them. Also, a lot of them were not white- a lot of cream-colored dresses. So, I developed my new tactic- don't even look at the size or the dress- just trade for the most expensive one so that I can sell it and buy the dress that I really want (at David's Bridal for $300 by the way).

So, the girls began offering trades and I pretended to be looking at the dresses but really I didn't give a shit. I was covertly looking at the tags. I finally found a perfect one (and by perfect I mean tacky and expensive)- a size 10 dress that retailed for $2800. Filene's Basement, where the dresses were all donated from, was selling it for $500. I will rip that Filene's tag off and sell it to a high-end retailer downtown. I don't care. It's never been worn before and it's expensive.

So, after the dress grab I was tired and wet from the rain and ready to go home- I didn't stay for all of the other crap. We went home and had some breakfast.

That was the end of my adventure. I got a dress that will save me a lot of money in the long run once I sell it :)


PS- I have to say thank you to Andy who gave me the tip on the event

PPS- Ro*ker$ is kind of an asshole- very curt and a lot of underhanded jabs with his jokes. A jerk. I heart Willard Scott 4-Eva.

PPPS- I will have pics as soon as I get them developed

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Andy's short visit

Well, we had a nice surprise as Tuesday Andy called and said that he had a lay-over at Chicago O'Hare. It took a while to meet each other, but we put him on the train and met him in Logan Square for dinner. It was nice. If you ever have a layover for AT LEAST a couple of hours here give us a call- we can all get on the train and meet in 1 hr downtown. FYI.

Anyway- it was nice to see him briefly and fun.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

July 26 Movie Review

As I mentioned before- we have no cable. But we DO still have our Blockbuster online Membership, which we love b/c not only do they keep shipping us movies from the warehouse, but every time we bring back a warehouse movie to an actual store we get a free rental. So you can see how the movies just pile up. Here are my reviews of the movies we've watched.

This film we actually saw at the theater. It's different than any other movie I've ever seen b/c it is a musical but all of the music is done within the context of the storyline. Does that make sense? In other words, the film is about a struggling musician and another musician that he teams up with. The awesome thing is- the two artists in the film actually wrote and played all of the music. Instead of writing some cheesy musical and getting actors to play the roles...the found actual musicians and taught them to act. It's a beautiful film. Not really a love story, but deals with relationships a bit I guess. It's strange. It won a bunch of awards at Sundance. The guy who is the lead is an artist who used to be in the band The Frames, and he has been the top-selling artist in Ireland (or was it Scotland?) for a long time. Anyway- I think that Jenny and Dwayne would really love this. Maybe even Andy and Amy. Mom and Dad can skip it- too artsy fartsy for them I think.

Factory Girl
This we watched on video. It is the "true" story of Edie Sedgewick, the muse of Andy Warhol. It was interesting- lots of nudity and filthiness. But the story is half Hollywoodized and half it wasn't that great. But I will say that I liked the movie because it gives you sort of an insight into Warhol and the swinging sixties and this time in history. I liked that aspect. I guess that I just don't think that the story of some rich girl turned aspiring artist turned drug addict is that interesting. I've seen that story before. But the film was interesting from a historical aspect- IE her affair with Bob Dylan, Andy Warhol's eccentricity, etc. I'm really not sure if I recommend this or not....Hmm....

Bourne Supremacy
I know, I know- I'm behind on the Bourne movies. But I was trying to catch up so that when the third one come out I will be ready. These movies are totally not my style at all, but totally awesome. Matt Damon does action, and the storyline is really great. I recommend them to all of you except for Mom and Dad.

trying to remember what else I've seen lately....

Reno 911 The Movie
We are huge Reno 911 fans. That show is brilliant. But honestly, even if you are a fan- skip the movie. It's not as good as the show. No real bright spots. Normal 911 hilarity accept not as hilarious as usual.

That's all the movies for now, but coming soon:

The Fountain

The U.S. vs. John Lennon
The Russian Ark

Monday, July 23, 2007

Armando Show

Tonight Dan, Cam and I went to a show at iO to get pumped up about improv. They have shows every night of the week- several of them actually.

But this one was special- when we got there we found that Tim Meadows was in town and was going to perform. We also saw the girl from the Sonic commercials. They were both great, as was the show.

But not so great that we were intimidated and scared to death- that's the good news. I was scared that I was going to go to the show and afterward just be like "Shit. I can't even compete with those people." But afterwards I didn't feel that way. Don't get me wrong- the show was GREAT and I bow down to all of those performers. But I think that me, Dan, and Cam can be that great with a little more training. We aren't like most of the people taking classes at iO- a lot of them are kids just out of high school or people who haven't done improv prior to starting the classes. We have been on troupes for years and been rejected before and had a lot of good training. I told the boys that I have laughed just as much at their PDogs shows as I did tonight, so I'm very excited and encouraged to get started in classes. I am hopeful that we will standout and get better with time.

Anyway- it was a very exciting and inspiring night.



Cam got the job. He starts Monday with Robert Half as a recruiter.

Things are falling into place!


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cam and Jack

Cam loves his dog. He really does.

Monolopy and other childish things

So...last night we went over to Tanya's to have some beers and play Monopoly with her,
R. Kevin (my friend from college), and Anne (his lady). It was super-fun, but let me tell you something:

I haven't played Monopoly since I was, oh, about 14...and I never actually made it to the part where you buy houses and hotels. I mean, we always got bored before that point. So let me tell you- that shit can get vicious!! I mean, it was pretty intense. I started out owning all of the property on the board. It was awesome. But by the end I had to mortgage all of my property and give up all my cash because I kept landing on Boardwalk (which was, like, the ONLY property that R.Kevin had a monopoly on so he put hotels on it and destroyed us all). Anyway- it was quite an experience and I have a whole new appreciation for Monopoly.

In other news, Cam got a bracelet yesterday at Barnes and Noble so that he could go get the new (and final) Harry Potter book this morning at 9 a.m.. I have been giving him shit all week about it, but hey- there could be a lot worse things for him to be obsessed with (kiddie porn?), so I am okay with his utter nerdiness. So, I am here today while he is out listening to his book. He says that it could potentially be "the best entertainment experience of his life." He probably wouldn't want me telling you that...especially Andy...because it will give you fuel to burn him with for the rest of his life. Oh well...


Job News

Okay, well I know that some of you (Mom) are waiting to hear about Cam's job and whether he got it or not...but actually so are we.

We went and got Cam a new suit (courtesy of his grandma) at a place that was recommended to us called Suits 20 20. It's just a huge warehouse full of suits that are more than half off. So he got an awesome Kenneth Cole Reaction suit and a tie for around $250. And a little funny Jewish man helped us at the store. He told us "Okay since you're interviewing for the job we'll look at the $200 suits, and when you come back because you've gotten the job we can look at the $300 suits". He was super funny.

Anywho, Cam we went out for karaoke on Wednesday night and Cam went to his interview Thursday afternoon. He said that it went very well, and they told him that he pretty much has it in the bag- they just have to check his references. So we are hoping that that goes well so that they will make him an offer Monday. We are very hopeful as they sounded very perhaps he has the job...we just have to wait for now.

Okay, as for my job news- here's what's going on. Dan and I went to a Chicago Public Schools Job Fair yesterday afternoon. It was a pain in the ass- it was in Chinatown so we had to ride the train for an hour and then walk almost a mile. But what was the REAL pain in the ass was that there were NO open positions for Theatre teachers in any high school there. There was ONE position for elementary/junior high theatre. So, I interviewed for it. Well, the principal told me that they are "not exactly sure" if they have a position open because they have 70 teachers and they can move people around so they are not exactly sure if they are adding a drama department. I don't know. It was ridiculous. So Dan and I pretty much wasted our time.

Also, I knew that the standards for teaching were really high in Illinois because the state pays them so well...but I didn't know HOW HIGH. Well, we found out yesterday that you can't even be a substitute here without having a B.S. in Education. So, even though I have been a certified teacher with 2 years experience....I can't be a substitute.

That is ridiculous. But hey- I'm glad to hear that SOMEONE is trying to raise the standards in the classroom. Because it seems that everywhere else is just making them lower and lower. While I'm really grateful that I could become a teacher while I was teaching and get "Alternative Certification", I don't know if that is really the right direction to go in education. Perhaps they should, instead, take care of the teacher shortage in Texas (and other states) by paying their teachers more....then they could also start raising the standards.

Anyway- I will get off my soapbox and back on track.

Here is what else is going on. So, I put an add on craigslist about being an experienced bar-band singer that wanted to start playing again...and I got a CRAZY response. I got so many e-mails. After weeding out the bad and the old and the creepy...I actually found some great prospects.

One is a band called The*Match*Factory$ that is an established band here in Chicago already. They play "obscure covers" as they call it, and they are really good. You can check them out on their website I love the music that they play- Shelby Lynne, Susan Tedeschi, Sheryl Crow...stuff like that. And they have gigs already set and, like I said, are established. Well, the deal is- they already have a lead singer...a chick...and they like her....but she is not wanting to commit to the band as they are- she only wants to play about one time a month. And the rest of the band, although they said "they have day jobs and work always comes first. They have no dreams of stardom- they just enjoy playing", they want to play a little more than once per month.

So, they are contractually obligated to stick with her until August 9, but after that they are going to talk about parting ways with her. They like her and they think she's awesome- they just want to play more than she does. Well, they have heard me (I sent some mp3s) and they really like me. So this weekend I am going to meet with the guy who put them together and jam a little with him...see what I think. And if we like each other I might join up in August. So that would be awesome.

I also met another guy who is about my age and just a normal dude. Works in sales, kindof frat-boy-ish. We have the exact same taste in music and he's super-cool. We've talked back and forth this week...and he knows a million songs and sings and can play by ear and pick out songs really fast. And though he's never gigged before- he really wants to. And what I figure is- the guy is so cool that even if I don't end up doing gigs with him I might end up being friends with him. Cam and I are going out tonight to meet him at a bar and hang out. I think we'll definitely end up playing though.

As far as "real jobs" and Parents as Teachers- I just have to wait. I have applied for 3 open Drama Teacher positions in Skokie/Evanston district, and waiting to hear back. I also have to wait on Parents as Teachers because they don't start up until next month. But I am very excited after having talked to the State Director. She said they will probably have a spot for me and I sound perfect for PAT. So that is good.

Anyway- that is what is going on here. Making friends and trying to get jobs. Hope all is well with everyone else.

Miss you and love you.


Once in a Lifetime

So...before I tell this story let me preface it by saying that Rogers Park (and most of Chicago) is going through a huge revitalization. They are just cleaning out huge neighborhoods, kicking out the trash, and building expensive apartments to house a better class of people and basically telling the lower class of people that they kicked out "Sorry...". And from what the native Chicago residents say, they are doing it swiftly. Our neighborhood is going through this right now. As I said before- when you walk towards the lake it just gets more beautiful and high class, and as you move towards the Howard train stop it just gets worse. Soo....I am just saying this because I don't Mom to get scared that I live in the ghetto. And another awesome thing about our neighborhood is that because it's going through this change right now there are cops EVERYWHERE at all times of day and night. So that always feels good. Anyway- I don't live in the ghetto. I promise. But I also don't walk around alone very often. So don't worry about that either. Anywho-

So, we saw the most hilarious thing ever the other night....and it was something that we probably won't ever see again in our lives....

We see prostitutes and drug dealers around the Howard stop occasionally, and the other night as we were walking home from the bar at about 3 a.m. we actually saw this:

Here's the scene- a pimp and a prostitute on the corner. We walk by and say hi. They tell us hi, and then as we get about 20 feet away he starts yelling "Bitch you need to give me my f**king money!"

I mean come don't see that except in the movies. He was totally playing into the pimp stereotype. It was hilarious.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Technical Difficulties

Okay- so Mom was not able to post comments. I re-invited her and all is well again.

So if anyone else is having a problem blogging or commenting just let me know and I will re-invite you. Dad- check your e-mail because I re-invited you also.




Things are pretty boring as we job-hunt online and wait for the results of Cam's 3rd and final interview (Thursday at noon).

Yesterday I spent all day sewing curtains for our living room. We have an entire wall of windows (which will be great in the winter for letting the sun in). My fingers are sore and I will probably go to hell for all the hateful things I yelled at the sewing machine...but we saved money on curtains and that is what is important.

Last night Cam, Dan and I got a $2.99 bottle of wine, put on Animal House, and played some Texas Hold 'Em. We haven't got cable yet, but we have the projector up so we've watched a million movies. The projector is almost in its true glory- 100 inches. Almost.

That's what's going on here. More pictures soon.


PS- It would be awesome of someone in my family would acknowledge my existence in these posts. (Thanks Dad Helmberger- you're the only one who loves me)

PPS- Just as a reminder- I moved to the 3rd largest city in the nation and left all of my family and friends several states away

Saturday, July 14, 2007

In regards to the recent film I suggested

L.A. Archdiocese to settle suits for $600 million

Settlement represents Church’s largest payout in sexual abuse scandal

Updated: 50 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES - The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles will settle its clergy abuse cases for at least $600 million, by far the largest payout in the church’s sexual abuse scandal, The Associated Press learned Saturday.

Attorneys for the archdiocese and the plaintiffs are expected to announce the deal Monday, the day the first of more than 500 clergy abuse cases was scheduled for jury selection, according to two people with knowledge of the agreement. The sources spoke on condition of anonymity because the settlement had not been made public.

The archdiocese and its insurers will pay between $600 million and $650 million to about 500 plaintiffs—an average of $1.2 million to $1.3 million per person. The settlement also calls for the release of confidential priest personnel files after review by a judge assigned to oversee the litigation, the sources said.

It wasn’t immediately clear how the payout would be split among the insurers, the archdiocese and several Roman Catholic religious orders. A judge must sign off on the agreement, and final details were being ironed out.

Lead plaintiffs’ attorney Ray Boucher confirmed the sides were working on a deal but he would not discuss specifics. He said negotiations would continue through the weekend and said there were still many unresolved aspects.

Tod Tamberg, archdiocese spokesman, declined to comment on any settlement details.

“The archdiocese will be in court Monday morning,” he said.

Steven Sanchez, 47, was one of the plaintiffs set to go to trial Monday. He was expected to testify in the trial involving the late Rev. Clinton Hagenbach.

Sanchez, a financial adviser, said the past few months have been especially difficult because he had to repeat his story of abuse for depositions with his attorneys and archdiocese attorneys in preparation for trial.

“We’re 48 hours away from starting the trial and I’ve been spending a lot of time getting emotionally prepared to take them on, but I’m glad,” he said. “It’s been a long five years.”

A record settlement
The settlement would be the largest ever by a Roman Catholic archdiocese since the clergy sexual abuse scandal erupted in Boston in 2002.

Among the largest total payouts was $100 million in 2004 by the Diocese of Orange, Calif., to settle 90 claims. The Archdiocese of Boston agreed in 2003 to pay $84 million for 552 cases, roughly the same figure the Diocese of Covington, Ky., agreed last year to pay to settle about 360 claims. Facing a flood of abuse claims, five dioceses—Tucson, Ariz.; Spokane, Wash.; Portland, Ore.; Davenport, Iowa, and San Diego—sought bankruptcy protection.

Last month, the Archdiocese of Portland agreed to pay about $52 million to 175 people, while setting aside another $20 million for anyone who comes forward in the future.

The Diocese of Spokane, Wash., also recently emerged from bankruptcy protection after agreeing to pay $48 million to settle about 150 claims.

The Los Angeles archdiocese, its insurers and various Roman Catholic orders have paid more than $114 million to settle 86 claims so far.

Archdiocese to sell property
The largest of those came in December, when the archdiocese reached a $60 million settlement with 45 people whose claims dated from before the mid-1950s and after 1987 — periods when it had little or no sexual abuse insurance. Several religious orders in California have also reached multimillion dollar settlements in recent months, including the Carmelites, the Franciscans and the Jesuits.

However, more than 500 other lawsuits against the archdiocese had remained unresolved despite years of legal wrangling. Most of the outstanding lawsuits were generated by a 2002 state law that revoked for one year the statute of limitations for reporting sexual abuse.

Cardinal Roger Mahony recently told parishioners in an open letter that the archdiocese was selling its high-rise administrative building and considering the sale of about 50 other nonessential church properties to raise funds for a settlement.

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge overseeing the cases recently ruled that Mahony could be called to testify in the second trial on schedule, and attorneys for plaintiffs wanted to call him in many more.

The same judge also cleared the way for four people to seek punitive damages—something that could have opened the church to tens of millions of dollars in payouts if the ruling had been expanded to other cases.

Just read this article today. The bishop of this diocese in L.A. is the same bishop that was featured in the documentary DELIVER US FROM EVIL (which I suggested all of you watch)...Bishop Mahoney. This bishop told each abuse victim that he would remove the priest (Fr. Dominick) from the priesthood and also get him counseling in return that the victim's family not press charges. In the indictment for Fr. Dominick, Bishop Mahoney claimed that he did not have knowledge of the abuse. Liar. He's a liar. Hopefully God calling him to the priesthood was just a misunderstanding.

Anyway- so what Bishop Mahoney did was- each time their was an abuse claim (which Fr. Dominick would admit each time), Mahoney would promise the victim's family that he would take care of it...and he would just MOVE Fr. Dominick instead of removing him. What a bastard. Good to know that he is still the Bishop in L.A. Father Dominick was moved 5 times and he said in the documentary that he probably abused 200 kids. Bet this Bishop regrets that decision now...I bet he regrets it 600 times over. He obviously doesn't have the lives of children in regret since he won't even admit to anyone that the abuses happened.

This fires me up.


More 4th of July

This first pic is Marley actually taking her "first steps" (4, the most she has taken) while we were shooting firecrackers. Next is Cam and our little ring bearer Max doing a sparkler. Last is Marley just chilling out on the porch in the morning.

4th of July Visit

Here are a few Marley pics from 4th of July. Very cute.

Kitchen pics

So, I can post pics of the kitchen because it is the only room that doesn't have any storage stuff in it. PLUS the kitchen is awesome. I don't know if the pics do it justice- but it is also really big with a lot of counter space. So that's good.


Okay, so I finally have a little time here to blog this morning. Our apartment is almost put together except for a few things that have to go into our storage space in the basement. Until we put those things in storage, I am going to hold off on the pictures of the living room.

So, we got here on Tuesday morning. We drove 6 hours on Sunday to Mom and Dad's in C-Ville. We got to see the flood damage. So sad. I think the saddest part was the rec center, fairgrounds, and softball fields. I spent a lot of time there as a kid and then later while I worked for Four County. That was our location every day. So that was very sad to see. All of the devastation seemed very unreal. Anyway- we had a nice time hanging out with Mom and Dad. Short but sweet.

The next morning we drove 8 hours to Springfield to stay overnight with Amy and Andy. Their house is BEAUTIFUL. Seriously. I am a little jealous. However, they just moved in the day before, so they weren't really permanently in the house yet, but actually were staying in a hotel. So we hung out, had some dinner, and we also took Marley swimming in the hotel pool. It was adorable. She had trouble getting used to the water, but fortunately that didn't deter from the cuteness.

The next morning we drove 4 hours to our apartment in very north Chicago. It is very awesome. Cam did a great job picking it out. It is not just your average dinky apartment in the city. It is probably 1000 sq foot (estimate) and it is very modern. The last owners were a couple that fixed it up. In 2004 they gutted the kitchen and put in all stainless steel appliance and granite countertops. The rooms are all painted different cool colors except for the living room. They have textures and stuff. Very cool and makes the apartment look very modern and young. The kitchen is HUGE and it is our favorite room. Our living room is also huge. The bedrooms are about normal I guess, but have great closets. Other great things about the apartment: washer and dryer in the unit and back deck. The deck also has table and chairs already there. So that is great.

The weather here is BEAUTIFUL right now ( I know I know- it won't be in 4 months). It is 70-80 during the day and 55-65 at night. Great weather. Funny thing is- we haven't used the air conditioner, but it is a window unit. Remember window units? How funny.

Our neighborhood is very cute. Looks like the Huxtables. It is a mix of people- all races I suppose. We live a 5-minute walk from the subway stop and 2 blocks away from my college friend Tanya. So we have spent a lot of time with her since we've been here. We live about a 7 minute walk from the grocery store and a 5 minute DRIVE from Target. Though we are at the top Chicago proper, we still feel very much like we are in a "city". The nearest cool sandwich/coffee shop is 2 blocks away. We have everything we need right here.

Other interesting things- if we walk 2 blocks east we are at Lake Michigan. I have never seen lake Michigan, and it is pretty nuts. It looks like an ocean. I didn't expect the waves to be so huge. Jackie DID NOT like them. She barked at them. Where we hit the lake is also a beach...but I wouldn't want to swim there. They just an an ecoli outbreak. Apparently you can't swim in the same lake where your shit is dumped without it being cleaned first. Who would have thought? And one recent batch got dumped in without being treated. So that sucks.

Another awesome thing we discovered yesterday- 3 stops north on the train is this awesome little artsy fartsy neighborhood that we really like. If you come visit we will probably spend some time there. It also has a Blockbuster, so we're happy about that.

So- what we've been doing since we got here:

On Wednesday I had an interview with Barbizon Modeling/Talent Agency to be a Talent Director. Basically- she said the job is mine if I want it because she loves my resume'...but I opted not to take the job b/c the hours are 3-9 M-F. 3-9 doesn't work for me because the job is still a 30 minute drive. When would I see my lovely fiance'?

However, the Director did say that if I didn't take the job she would love for me to teach acting part-time. So I am going to talk to her about that. And here is why:

Cam had an interview with a company called Robert Half on Thursday. What this company does is place computer technicians in temporary or permanent positions. Cameron had spoke to them previously and was going in for his interview with the recruiter. Well, when he got there, the recruiter, Dan, and him were chatting and apparently Dan does improv. So he really liked Cam and told Cam that he looked like a great candidate to actually be a recruiter like Dan was. So, he sent him to his boss and so on and so forth. Cam went in for a SECOND interview yesterday and he wowed the higher ups. So they are bringing him back for a third interview next Wednesday. The job sounds like something Cameron would really like and be great at. And if it isn't- hey, it's a great resume' builder. But the BEST thing about the job is that Cam would make enough money to where I wouldn't even have to work. He will double his pay from his last job. But of course I wouldn't ever do that- not working would make me bored. But at least I wouldn't feel the pressure to get a teaching job where I work 60 hours a week for shit-pay like I did at my last job. Therefore, we have decided that if he gets this job I am going to get a part-time job and then get an agent on the side so that I can act.

The part time jobs that I have my eye on are: being a Parent Educator for Parents as Teachers. I have spoken to their state director and she thinks there will be openings in my area and that I would be great for the job. But I have also applied for teaching jobs to teach middle school drama part time.

So things are looking up as far as jobs! Fortunately, I am still getting a paycheck and benefits from Farmersville ISD through September I have some time to work all of this out. But one other thing that will be happening if Cam gets this job is that I will be having my back surgery as soon as possible since I don't know how good my benefits will be at my next job.

So, until we hear something from this job we are both just chilling. I am applying for teaching jobs online and working on connections for Parents as Teachers. But he can't really do anything because if he doesn't get this job as a recruiter he will still be going to Robert Half to get placed in another technician job. So all he can really do is wait.

Until then we are pinching pennies and trying to do free things. Our second night here Tanya took us to her ritual Wednesday night karaoke with $1 domestics. We figured we could afford $1 beers, so we went. It was super-fun and we sang all night. Yesterday we went to Wrigley field while there was a game going on. It was madness. Then we went to see Charna at Improv Olympic. It was short and sweet, but at least she saw our faces. Then we took the train downtown and walked down the Magnificent Mile. It's sort of a cross between Times Square and Fifth Avenue in New York. We also went into Holy Name Cathedral (build in 1869 approx?). It was beautiful and fancy and made me wonder if God gives better answers to people who pray in a church made of solid brass. Hmmm...

Anyway- we are trying to walk as little as possible right now because of my back. Every morning I can hardly get up because of the walking the day before, and the pain stings down my thighs. It's frustrating because we walk everywhere...but I'll deal with it.

All in all- we love the city and are adjusting very well. We miss everyone and there are pictures of all of you everywhere. You are not soon forgotten. :)

Here are some pictures that I can share at this point. This is looking outside our apartment at our street looking each way. Very cute:

Friday, July 13, 2007


Okay, so I've had some inquiries concerning my whereabouts.

We are in Chicago. We have been here since Tuesday. It is terrific and I will tell you all about it as soon as I have time.

I am also sortof waiting until we get our apartment put together so that I can post pictures with some blogging.

Anyway- we are safe, we are happy. Stay tuned.
