The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Make up your own headline...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Marley Hershey Oyler

I wanted to post these for the whole world to see.....

She's so cute! (and still looks just like Andy)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Well, I have my first shows booked for Shane Arts.

June 23 and 24th I will be playing the role of Cindy in the Dinner Theatre Murder mystery titled "Newly Deads". I get paid $50 per performance, and it should be a lot of fun. The Friday night performance is on the Texas Queen riverboat in Rowlette, TX.

I'm excited!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Updated Deck Photos

Mom- These are the updated deck model photos showing the relationship to the existing house.

Friday, June 09, 2006


Hey all. I have a few spare moments, so I thought I would give an update of the goings-on on my life. I am flying out to KC for Kyle Morris's wedding (yes, my friends are starting to get married. It's scary). Joe Helmberger got me a ticket through his company and I didn't have to pay for it. He's so good to me. The wedding is actually in Topeka, so tonight I will be staying with Lauren Lynn (yes, the one from C-Ville) and partying a little. Then I will head to Topeka in the morning for the wedding and reception. I'm staying at a hotel next to the capital tomorrow night with some friends. Then I fly back to Dallas on Sunday. I'm pretty excited.

Cameron is headed to New Jersey with his parents for the wedding of a childhood friend. I wish we could both attend these weddings together, but of course the weddings of our best childhood friends are falling on the same weekend.

In other news, the Dallas Mavericks (that's NBA basketball) are in the Finals fighting for the NBA title. They are battling the Miami Heat. They won game one already. I am SO EXCITED. Most of you know that I have been a MAVS fan ever since I moved to Texas. AND, I live in Dallas so it is my right to be excited that we have a team in the finals. Anyway, the series is great. If you have a chance to catch a game on TV do it! I have been to a couple of live Mavs games, and they were so awesome!

Let's see- what else is going on? Well, I am teaching summer school until June 28. It is the best gig ever. Of course, I already get paid my usual paycheck as a teacher. But summer school doubles my normal paycheck. However, I only work from 8-12 every day. I'm done by 12. It's wonderful. I have the rest of my day to do whatever. And it's so laidback...I have a class of 8 students, and they all want to be here because they are paying for it.

Next weekend, Cameron and I and his parents head to Waldron for Turkey Track Bluegrass Festival. We are pretty excited- meeting up with mom and dad to camp for a few days. It should be pretty exciting.

The last couple of weekends Cameron and I have been at lakes in Texas. 2 weekends ago we were at Lake Marble Falls near Austin. We went with his parents, his brother and his wife and baby. Also, Cameron's sister-in law's parents were there, plus her brother and his wife. Plus- the wife's parents. Did you follow that? It was a lot of people...and it was relaxing...we went out on the boat and fished and swam.

Last weekend we went to "Lake Weekend". BAsically, Cameron's friends that he has done improv with fly in from around the country and all get together at this lake house. We basically drank, swam, laid around, and joked all weekend. It was great. Most of the guys there are pretty established- have done TV and film and written pilots. So it was cool to be around such a funny bunch of people.

We don't have much else going on this summer except relaxing and acting. Cameron's improv troupe got a new gig at a theatre that just opened up in downtown Dallas. And of course I have my new job with Shane Arts. July 22 I am singing at some wedding in Dallas and making about $200. I don't even know the people. They heard me sing the National Anthem somewhere.

Also, at the end of July Cameron and I will have been together a year. We are planning on spending the weekend at his parent's condo in New Mexico and relaxing. It should be great. We also want to visit Andy and Amy a weekend in July to see the baby-maybe August. I guess whatever works out best for them- they're the ones with the baby. But we are so excited to see it! I need some pictures! It's been a couple of weeks. I brag about her so much I need to have some pictures to show off.

Anyway, that's my big update for a while. I will see you guys soon. Love ya!


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I got a job

Well, good news!

Yesterday I signed an associates contract with Shane Arts/The Hub Theatre in downtown Dallas. They saw me at Dallas general auditions and thought I was "badass." So last night I went to the theatre and did a cold reading for them. They liked me and I signed a three-month contract with them.

After a few shows and three months, if they like me, I will become an ensemble core member and get to have first choice on shows that I want to direct/act in. Also get paid $50 per performance. So of course if I do a show that runs 3 nights a week I make $150 dollars a week. Pretty awesome. If I become core then I make $75 per show.

So..I guess that's it. I'm attaching a link so that you can check out the Hub's website.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Wu Deck

These are images of the deck we will be building for Jenny's parents. We're working on a more detailed model, but this shows the basic scheme.