The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Andy and Amy Visit

This weekend, Amy and Andy found their way to Dallas. It was kind of a poopy weekend for us (because Cameron and I had shows), but Andy and Amy let us know that they didn't mind our absence for a few hours. They just wanted to get away from Tulsa for a few days.

So, on Friday Cam and I had our show and then came back to my apartment to hang out with Andy and Amy for a while.

The next day we ventured to heaven (Ikea) and found some treasures. Then we headed out to dinner. However, Cam and I had to head out our call for the show, so we didn't actually get to have dinner together. We sent Amy and Andy to our favorite Mexican restaurant- Matt's El Rancho.

After our show, we hung out for a while, and Marley was strangely still awake. So that was fun.

The next day we sent Amy and Andy to the Outlet Mall in Allen for a little shopping, and Cameron was called in to work from 9-3 in Fort Worth. That sucked.

So let me give you an update on how adorable Marley is-

First of all she is noisy. She never stops her baby babble. And it's so cute.
Secondly, she sits up so good. She's like a real person.
Thirdly, she already has a tic. She does this weird jaw thing that is weird yet still adorable.

If you haven't seen her in a while, let me tell you- she changes so fast.

It was nice seeing Amy and Andy, and now we are looking forward to Cam's parents and Mom and Dad visiting in the middle of February.

Happy Birthday Mom and Sheila!


PS- We watched The Illusionist last night and it was really good. I recommend it to all of you.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Interesting Weekend

Well, Thursday Cameron, Jackie, and I are headed off to separate adventures.

For the second year, work will be paying for me to go to the Theatre Educators Conference. They pay gas, hotel, meals, get the picture. PLUS- I get off work for 2 days. This year the convention is in Houston, so Cameron and I will be headed down there on Thursday and conventioning until Sunday. It should be fun. Our friends Dan and Kim (Grimm...I think most of you have met them) are both theatre teachers, and will be down in Houston as well. So we plan on hanging out with them a lot.

I know what you are thinking....."What about poor little Jackie?"

Well, Jackie will be spending 4 days and nights at the luxurious Camp Bow-Wow in Lavon, TX. She will have great amenities- such as a 4by6 private sleeping quarters, a large indoor/outdoor climate controlled exercise area, and constant supervision. It will truly be a luxurious camping experience complete with a camp-fire, merit badges, and roasted marshmellows. Luckily, Jackie is already used to peeing and pooping outside, so this aspect of the "camping experience" won't be to shocking to her system.

Anyway- it is only $15 a night since it is in Lavon (small town rates), and it is a cool place. So she should have fun. But we've already been worrying about how much we are going to miss her.


Anyway- Cameron and I are also doing a show together right now. We are doing a Commedia show at the Hub Theatre. It is half improv comedy and half old school Commedia (think 15th century) and it should be really fun. It will run for a couple of weekends and then take a short break. The show is fun.

Hope all is well.


Friday, January 12, 2007

Seriously Scary Movie

Okay, so Cam and I watched one of the scariest movies EVER the other night. At least, I would put it in the Top 5 Scariest Movies Ever.

Here is the link to it in case you want to check it out-

The basic premise is this: a group of British women go spelunking in Appalachia and they get more than just an adventure.

The reason I love this movie is that it has all the elements of a great horror film. Most horror films only have 1 or 2 of these...but this film as all 5 things to make a great horror film. (In case you are wondering, the five things are as follows):

1. STARTLING MOMENTS. (These aren't what makes a great horror film..but they are definetely necessary. Sometimes we just need to get so scared that we scream or jump. It's good for us)

2. GOOD GORE (I know you don't like this, Mom. But it's necessary)

3. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS (This is what I really love about horror films. I like the type of horror that makes you go "Oh my God I can't believe this....what would I DO in this situation?" The movie "Deep Water" was a great example of this- you're stranded in the ocean and you know that no one is coming to get you. What do you do? What does this do to your psyche? I cannot watch a horror film without some mind games and pyscho-analysis. Something that I love about this movie is that it is shot to make you feel like you are really there. Cameron HATED this about the film, but I loved it. I loved it that I felt like I was in a cave and I couldn't see what was going on around me. It really added to the scariness)

4. A GOOD VILLIAN/MONSTER (It can't be stupid like Freddy or Jason or JEEPERS CREEPERS. It has to be cool, original, and a little believable. The villian/monster in this film is awesome)

5. A GREAT ENDING (I hate stupid endings)

SOOOOOO...this movie is worth seeing. Check it out.


ps- if i were going to rank the Top 1- Scariest movies of all time they would go as follows:

1. The Exorcist

2. The Descent

3. Poltergeist

4. Seven

5. Nosferatu

6. Amityville Horror

7. 28 Days Later

8. Rosemary's Baby

9. The Blair Witch Project

10. The Ring
pps- we also watched Snakes on a Plane. ..and it was really entertaining. Funny and a little creepy.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Marley loves all her presents

Marley just wanted to thank everyone for her presents. She realizes that there are starving children in Ethiopia.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Years Resolutions

Okay, I know this is trite...but I have a New Years Resolution. Actually, I have several:

1. Keep a journal

2. Do pilates 5 days a week

3. Do 30 minutes of cardio 3 days a week

4. Communicate with my family and friends more

5. Be an overall better person

What are yours?

PS- I was at Old Navy today and I picked Marley up some SWEET boot cut baby jeans that were 50% off, and a little shirt that says "Hot Babe". It's adorable.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Treadmill Disaster

Tonight, Jackie was on the treadmill. Apparently, she couldn't hold it anymore. She s*** on the treadmill...and the little poops flew and hit the back of the wall. Happy New year.


Monday, January 01, 2007

Santa Cause Pics

Here are some pics from the night of fun.

Cam with friends Wes ("Soprano-clause"), Jenn, Jessica, and Lisa.

Below is Cam and I.
I seriously have no idea what this pictures is about....

This final pic is Lisa and I.