The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Anyone remember this?

Today I was driving to work and I heard "I Remember You" by Skid Row. It made me 1) Laugh out loud and 2) Sing along. It was hilarious.

Did you hear that Sebastian Bach was doing Broadway stuff? Hilarious. He is going to DESTROY his rocker cred. Wait- did he have any rocker cred left?

Here's what I found on Wikipedia about Sebastian Bach's post-Skid Row career:

In 2000, Bach began performing in Broadway productions. His roles included Riff Raff in The Rocky Horror Show, the title role in Jekyll & Hyde.

In October 2002, Sebastian was signed to perform in the national touring production of Jesus Christ Superstar and played the role of Jesus successfully in the show until April 2003, when he was fired for alleged diva-like behavior.

He has a role on the
CW television show Gilmore Girls as Gil, the lead guitarist in Lane Kim's band Hep Alien.

You still rock in my book Sebastian.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Movies Movies Movies

Okay, so I've watched A LOT of movies lately. I'm going to review them and give them some stars. No- not stars....let's go with something more creative. How about we go with the "cute baby" ranking system. Yes, that's what I'm in the mood for. I will give them from zero to 10 cute babies. Here goes:

Little Children- Very interesting and disturbing. A drama about pedophilia and adultery starring Kate Winslet (whom I love). It was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars and one of the male leads was nominated and won Best Supporting Actor. It was that guy from the original Bad News Bears all grown up. Weird, I know. Anyway - it was good if you want to leave with an icky feeling and you don't mind some gratuitous nudity. Oh, PS, it stars the lead guy from Hard Candy (which if you haven't seen yet you should spank yourself because it is AWESOME) and he is very beautiful. Little Children- I give it 6 out of 10 cute babies and I recommend it for Dwayne and Jenny and Andy and Amy.

Next up is The Last King of Scotland. This film was AWESOME. I recommend it to ALL OF YOU. I usually don't do that- but I'm going to here. Forest Whitaker got an Oscar for his performance in the film, and the story is true. Absolutely awesome. A little bit of nudity so be prepared for that. But it's necessary and the film is awesome. Watch it. Oh and PS again- one of the male leads is this ADORABLE Scottish actor. I don't know his name but I was lusting after him the whole time. Don't tell Cameron. Last King of Scotland- I give it 10 of 10 cute babies and I recommend it for ALL OYLER AUDIENCES.

Next up is Alpha Dog. This film is one that you might not have heard of, but it got a lot of hype because it was the first major role of my hearththrob crush, Justin Timberlake. It's based on a true story of some rich spoiled jerk-offs living in California that do drugs and party off of their parent's money and then they get into some serious trouble. It sounds stupid, but it is actually really good and really interesting. Good performances by all- ESPECIALLY Justin Timberlake. It is full of cussing, nudity, and drug use, so viewer discretion advised. I wasn't expecting much from this film- but I actually really liked it a lot. Alpha Dog- I give it 7 out of 10 cute babies and, I recommend it for Andy and Amy only I think.

Next up- Dreamgirls. Now I avoided watching this for a long time. I don't know why- even being a musical theatre person it just didn't interest me. But I finally gave in, and I'm glad I did. For those of you who don't know- Dreamgirls is a musical that debuted on Broadway in 1982. It is based on the story of what happened between Diana Ross and The Supremes and Barry Gordy Jr. (founder of Motown Records). It is very controversial- some of the members of the Supremes deny it and some don't. VERY INTERESTING. I loved it because of all of the history involved in the musical. Watch it and see if you can figure out what stars the characters are supposed to be portraying. And then go read up on the film on Wikipedia. It is SUPER interesting. Also- it has some great songs. And if you are wondering- YES, Jennifer Hudson DID deserve her Oscar and Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress. She was AMAZING. You'll see. Dreamgirls- I give it 8 out of 10 cute babies and I recommend this for all of you (even Katie. She will love it)

Okay I think that is all for now. I watched Jesus Camp. Don't know if I reviewed this one before, but you HAVE GOT to watch it. It is a documentary about Pentecostal Christians and how they are brainwashing small children into being in an "army for God." It's nuts. You have to watch it. It will give you a whole new perspective on Christianity and what it is to raise your kids TRULY Christian. The kids in the movie scared me. I mean seriously- who still believes in Creationism? These crazy Jesus Camp kids do. Oh...and Dad also. Can't forget Dad. Anyway- you ALL should watch this movie.

Got a busy week so I must go for now. Hope all is well. I will see you guys this weekend.


Sunday, May 20, 2007

LA Trip

Here is a picture of Sharon and John at the Jay Leno Show. We saw it on Thursday with Felicity Huffman, a guy who eats weird food, and Dolores Riordan (the lead singer from The Cranberries) on as the guests. It was really fun to see the show being taped. Felicity is really skinny. She looked really nice.

We also went to a Japanese BBQ Thursday night. It was a very interactive experience. We had to cook the food on a grill in front of us. It happened to be a very cold night so we weren't too hot.

Today we went kayaking at the marina. There were these canals where houses were lined up along them. We saw lots of nice houses. However, after an hour of rowing, we were really tired, and we still had to row back to the launching area. That last 45 minutes were pretty painful. I think it was fun though....hopefully.

Right now, the boys are pickin and we are typing a blog.

Jenny and Mom Oyler

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Hanging Out schedule has slowed down A LOT. I am trying to book a place for our wedding and reception, and also plan a banquet for our theatre department and some performances this weekend....but really that is not a lot for me. I feel like things are pretty chill.

I am going back to blonde tomorrow. Cam wants me that way. I think the brown looks more sophisticated though (I know- sophistication isn't possible for me). So I'm going to go back to blonde for now. We'll see what happens.

The NBA playoffs are happening right now. The Dallas Mavericks (my favorite team the past 4 years) have the best record in the entire league. BUT, despite the awesome record they are losing their playoff series to the Golden State Warriors. It's annoying. They are planning game 5 right now. They are down 3 games to 1 in the series. So it's pretty intense. That's what I have been focused on this week- THE MAVS. I know you all don't care....

For the record I have decided to stay a MAVS fan when we move this summer. I also, of course, will still be an AGGIE fan for all college sports. But we have decided to become Chicago Bears fans since right now we don't really owe allegiance to any NFL team. We figure this would be a good time to get a favorite. Plus- being a Bears fan just seems so cool. I mean- they did the Super Bowl Shuffle....

If anyone gets bored- here's an idea- shoot me an e-mail or a post a picture or something. Send me a good video. Did everyone like the SNL video I sent out? That shit made me laugh so hard.

I found a couple of pics of Marley and Andy from when they visited, and I took this pic of Cam and Jackie tonight when they were chillin watching the MAVS.