The Oyler Family Blog

Sadly, we are several states away from family and friends. But, we KNOW that they long to hear our mundane stories and self-righteous opinions. Never fear, friends- you can stay informed right here.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Christmas Post-Partum

Hey all! It's been a week since Christmas, and coming down from the "Christmas high" has been difficult for me. Thank you Jesus for being born! However, Jesus, the week after is sort of uneventful.

So, first and foremost thanks for all of the gifts. They were so awesome, and I got a bunch of great stuff. I mean, you were pretty much screwed after I got the ipod weren't going to beat that. However, you did very well. Also, I want to send my apologies for wiping you guys out in the poker game....suckas!

Congrats of course to Andy and Amy. I'm so excited about the person you guys made. Also, Chris Cameron and Walt both send their congrats. (I'm sure you weren't sleeping well wondering what they thought). Also, Chris's brother Craig and his wife Marianne are expecting in July. In addition to that baby, Fred and Anna Ramirez are expecting in June (or July?). Anyways, 'tis the season for making people!

I only had to work 3 days this week, so I relaxed and spent most of it with Cam in Dallas. On Thursday we went to his improv troupe (Pavlovs Dogs) Christmas party. It was fun- the regular stuff: food and drink. But the best part was the gift exchange. They did it in the format where you get to steal gifts and whatnot. Well, the awesome thing is that I ended up with this GIRLY POKER SET! It has a cute little case and pink poker chips. It also has awesome pink dice and plastic blue and pink cards! It is so girly and I'm going to kick so much more ass now that I will play with girly chips!

On Friday night we went to the Roast of one of Cameron's friends (Yes, like a Friar's Club raost where they get the guy up there in front and then several people proceed to "roast" him by making fun of him and saying completely disgusting and emberassing things about him). Anyways, Cameron was the Roastmaster and it was pretty hilarious and filthy. They even got a few jabs on me. It was excellent. Then we went out and partied with everyone. It was great.

Anyways, so tonight is New Years. CAmeron and his roommate and his friend Daigle are having a party at Cameron's apartment. We have a key, 4 cases of fine champagne, and 5 handles of liquor. It should be pretty crazy. I'll be taking pictures. Also, I'll be posting pictures from Christmas. I have some funny ones. I just haven't been home long enough to post any. I will do that this week.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great new years. If you were younger perhaps I would drunk dial you...but you are all far too lame. Sorry.

Love you guys!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005


kids ---I have BULLY WHEAT, MIC ULTRA, RUM, VODKA, WINE, WHISKY, and whatever else you want. Let me know. Can't wait and love you all. Dad

Monday, December 19, 2005

Hey Dad, Check it out - your work is published in a couple of different places already!!

Ho Hum...


Sorry about last night. Just like I thought- my phone died. I'll call you tonight or tomorrow.

Also, the rest of you- check your e-mail! I sent you an e-mail.


Will it be warm enough to do this while we're home?


Did I figure this thing out?
Have you guys bothered to browse around the other blogs that people have on this site. Whoa. To my surprise, I think we might be pretty normal.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Busy Week

Just to let you know what the week looks like. Busy trying to get the house cleaned up. Trying to get around to cooking a little ahead of time. Just got done doing homework - which I truly love- NOT. Your dad and I are really looking forward to tackling an Ecosytem that we have to HELP Katie put together by Wed, as if this wasn't a busy enough week, and as you can imagine, your dad and I are all about ecosystems. Enough whining about homework. Katie just told me she can hardly wait til all of you come home, she says it is fun when you are all here, and it's fun to go to church with all of you. She thinks all of you are really funny. That was nice to hear. Anyway, gotta go, we still have to read for 30 minutes. Love you all

Saturday, December 17, 2005

I am a Four Eyes?

News Flash:

So..I lost my Kansas Drivers License this week and finally had to bite the bullet and get my Texas Drivers License (yes, I know this should have done weeks ago. I work a lot. Shut your pie hole). Anyway, I get all of the the things in order (Birth Certificate, SS Card, and whatnot), and I head to the DMV. Things went smoothly...until the vision test. I was like "I got this in the bag...I'll pass...I may have to squint a little...but I"ll pass."

Yeah, um, NO. I did not. I had to wear my glasses to pass the test. So, as of this moment, I am now "restricted" on my drivers license. I knew my vision had gotten worse. This proves it. Oh, this post also proves how self-involved I am.

But seriously, for the first time in my life I can't see without my glasses. That's a big deal! I need new ones.

Now I'll post some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

See you this weekend. By the way, Andy, will you bring "Seen it?". I am in charge of entertainment. I was considering just making you guys pay to watch me to a Cole Porter/Stephen Sondheim musical review in the living room...but instead I'm opting for board games and adult beverages. (But just so we're clear that musical review would have been KILLER!)


Thursday, December 15, 2005


When Jenny and I were in Japan, we checked into a hotel where the names of the arriving guests were listed on the plaque inside the door?

I always thought this was a cool photo ...thought I'd share.

(sung) I'll be home for Christmas...

So, I will be coming home either on the evening of the 22nd or very early morning on the 23rd. It depends on my work schedule on the 22nd. I have to head back home on the evening of the 25th or the 26th early in the morning. It, again, will just depend on my work schedule.

Are we doing the music for midnight mass?

I can't wait to see you guys!

ps- mom, how come you didn't tell me about Jack Andrews? Rachel Parker called me last night to chat...and told me that he was busted with a pound of marijuana....and then when offered a deal he narc'd on one of the biggest drug lord's in the midwest. So, the cops busted the drug lord ( i can't remember his name) and found 45 pounds of marijuana and $85, 000 cash. Well, when this happened, Jack was murdered.......

at least that is the story that Rachel told me. Crazy huh? Was that what you heard?

pps- do you like the picture of you super-imposed, mom?

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

How to save yourself money at Christmas... Posted by Picasa

Dear old Mom.....just baptized by Robert Redford.......and preaching to the Golden Girls. Remember that Mom? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

What the looter is doing now... Posted by Picasa

I think pics of that dang looter are so wrong.....but so halarious. Priceless. Posted by Picasa

My favorite... Posted by Picasa

What? He was in Titanic? Posted by Picasa

This isn't that funny....but I just really llike Dubya with that look on his face.  Posted by Picasa

This picture is on the front page of the Farmersville Independent School District website! I'm so excited. It is the improv troupe at their first performance.  Posted by Picasa


Can I add ankle hosiery to my christmas list? i don't have enough pairs of stockings to wear with my boots. Are they stockings or hosiery or panty hoes or what? I don't know...but I need some.


Our Friend Raf

Monday, December 12, 2005

This Past Weekend

So, let me give you a rundown of the weekend (I know you've been calling, MOM, but I haven't been in a position where I can answer the phone.

So, Friday night was the first annual "Snow Show" for Farmersville High School. It was basically a variety show that the dance teacher came up with. She's sort of like me in that she wants to revolutionize everything and make the school better and is hard-working, yada yada yada. Anyways, so the show is mostly dancing, but my student improv troupe got invited to perform. Well, let me just say that we were a HIT! Administration was happy, parents were happy, school board members were was a HIT! All of the teachers were congratulating me and saying how awesome it was, and one teacher even told my boss that he should get me a raise so that I'll stay at Farmersville. So I was really proud of my kids. They really did great and brought their "A Game." I was beaming I was so proud of them.

Then after work I went to the Helmbergers and had some fun with them and a few of the other people that I work with. It was excellent. Had a great time.

The next day I did NOTHING except watch First Wives Club. But it was a well-deserved break I think. That night I met up with Cameron after his shows, and also my friend Tanya. We went out to an Irish Pub. It was good times. Pretty uneventful I guess.

Sunday we went to Commerce to hang out with Cameron's parents. We had dinner. It was nice. Then we went to the college to see Medea. It was really great. Such a great show, and they did it really well.

Anyways, now I'm back at work today. I'm going to post some pictures from the weekend when I get back home tonight for your viewing pleasure. This week is my last week of work before my big teacher break. So things are a little hectic around here, but they'll slow down pretty soon.

I didn't get to go to the bachelorette party. Money was a little too low and it just seemed like an expense that I had to cut out. I was dissapointed and so was Emily, but that's the way it goes, you know?

Anyways, I hope everyone is well. Dad, if you need to get the password for your e-mail account you need to let me know.

Have a good week-

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Our Classroom/Meditation Space Building

That's a "Parish Hall" in Catholic speak. This is an image of the rendering we are using to "promote" our building in order to get approval from the city/neighborhood of Downey, CA. The funny building in the foreground is the existing Buddhist Temple. The building we designed is in the background - one of our primary selling points is that the second story of the building (which requires a variance) is hidden by the Temple.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Hey Dad, Did you ever buy that new Carhhart that you liked?

Dad Oyler responds to Lins & Dwayne

Nip It!! This bickering between you two does nothing but confirm our white trash background. We must continue our dilusions of being an upper middle class family. Feminine hygiene is not to be mentioned on this site again. Now if you will pardon me, I've gotta load up that trash behind the garage and find a place to dump it on some county road. Remember - nip it!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Aunt Shirley

So no one answered me... Isn't that a young aunt Shirley that Lindsay's hanging out with below?

So Linds - are you mapping out a lifetime of Christmas gifts, or are those just for this year?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Anyone can blog

Just showing everyone that anyone can add to this blog... it doesn't have to be in comments... it just sometimes seem faster to do that.
It is sooooo cold here...hopefully it will get this out of the way before Christmas...... Lins, I saw on the news this am a clip of a car sliding around on the ice in Denton (which for those who don't know is a Dallas suburb) I certainly hope Farmersville cancelled school....Also congrats to Lins for the recognition in the school newspaper for her improv troop....Hope all had a wonderful day....bye for now. Love all

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Christmas List's a few things I've come up with that I want for Christmas. I know that some of them are big....but this is everyone's list...Also, Mom, consult with Cameron before you buy gifts. I don't know what he's gotten me.

Here goes:

"Wicked" piano accompaniment book

"Rent" piano accompaniment book


scanner for computer

printer cartridges (color and black Lexmark 26, Lexmark 16)

sewing machine

Rent Soundtrack (Original Broadway cast, not the movie!)

gift cards from either of these places-

Chi hair Straightener (real one. they sell them much cheaper on ebay though)

manicure/pedicure from anywhere

This is all I've come up with so far. I know that there is more. I am about to compile a list of just books and movies (for whoever drew my name).



So listen to this-

Yesterday Cameron had sort of a bad day at work. He was just irritated with everyone and sent me this ranting e-mail about how everyone at his firm was money-hungry and didn't appreciate him blah blah get the idea. Well, I decided that since we hadn't seen each other in a couple of days I would go and surprise him after work. He was going to get off work around 9 or 10 after working 12 hours. So I head to Uptown Dallas at about 8:30....mind you it takes 30 minutes to get to his apartment. Well I'm hanging out with his roommate, Danny, and 10 p.m. rolls around. I'm wondering where he is at. Well....I check my cell phone and I find out:

HE WENT TO MY APARTMENT AFTER WORK TO "SURPRISE ME"! It was retarded. The only crime we are guilty of is being too damn sweet to each other. Ridiculously sweet.

So there it is- he came back to Dallas and we hung out.

Hope everyone is having an okay week. We're having "winter weather" here in Texas. It's not really bad at all. However, it is bad enough that Old Navy closed at 7 p.m. tonight so I got to go home early. It's also bad enough that we're not starting school until 10 a.m. tomorrow...if we start at all that is. I mean, we've gotten like an inch of snow. The problem is people in Texas are retarded and can't drive on it and also don't have the resources to combat it. It's weird.

I think that is all the news I have right now. Weather permitting, I'm driving to Grand Lake on Saturday morning to go to Emily Hardy's bachelorette party. That should be a hoot..if I get to go of course.

Anyways, I hope all is well. Looking forward to Christmas.


Friday, December 02, 2005

DAD and other news

WOW! i'm impressed. does dad want me to get him his own username so that he can blog? probably not, but i am nonetheless impressed.

i'm posting some music pretty soon on the oyler music site. dad should like it. it's called the North Mississippi's a great mix of genres that has a lot of cool blues stuff.

tonight is the lock-in for the theatre club. craziness. it's going to be wild. there are almost 35 kids signed up.

I also just cast my one-act play. 30 kids came to audition! all of the teachers were congratulating me. apparently that is a really big deal that there were 30 kids there! i had a lot of talent to choose from, and i think i have a wonderful and talented cast.

anyways, after the lock-in tonight i am not working tomorrow or the next day. i am taking 2 days off and i am so excited! it's been a super-stressful week.

anyways, i hope everyone is doing well. andy and amy- i will call you guys, as i think that i am coming through town on saturday for a bachelorette party. i'll call.

hope you guys enjoyed the old navy discounts!

News Flash!!!
I came upstairs last night to find your dad on the COMPUTER!!. Said he has been listening to music and had even read THE BLOG. So keep those updates coming -we really enjoy them.
Going to draw names tomorrow. Hope everyone has been working on their wishlist.
Gotta go - million things to get done before your dad gets off at noon.
Love to all.