Okay, so I finally have a little time here to blog this morning. Our apartment is almost put together except for a few things that have to go into our storage space in the basement. Until we put those things in storage, I am going to hold off on the pictures of the living room.
So, we got here on Tuesday morning. We drove 6 hours on Sunday to Mom and Dad's in C-Ville. We got to see the flood damage. So sad. I think the saddest part was the rec center, fairgrounds, and softball fields. I spent a lot of time there as a kid and then later while I worked for Four County. That was our location every day. So that was very sad to see. All of the devastation seemed very unreal. Anyway- we had a nice time hanging out with Mom and Dad. Short but sweet.
The next morning we drove 8 hours to Springfield to stay overnight with Amy and Andy. Their house is BEAUTIFUL. Seriously. I am a little jealous. However, they just moved in the day before, so they weren't really permanently in the house yet, but actually were staying in a hotel. So we hung out, had some dinner, and we also took Marley swimming in the hotel pool. It was adorable. She had trouble getting used to the water, but fortunately that didn't deter from the cuteness.
The next morning we drove 4 hours to our apartment in very north Chicago. It is very awesome. Cam did a great job picking it out. It is not just your average dinky apartment in the city. It is probably 1000 sq foot (estimate) and it is very modern. The last owners were a couple that fixed it up. In 2004 they gutted the kitchen and put in all stainless steel appliance and granite countertops. The rooms are all painted different cool colors except for the living room. They have textures and stuff. Very cool and makes the apartment look very modern and young. The kitchen is HUGE and it is our favorite room. Our living room is also huge. The bedrooms are about normal I guess, but have great closets. Other great things about the apartment: washer and dryer in the unit and back deck. The deck also has table and chairs already there. So that is great.
The weather here is BEAUTIFUL right now ( I know I know- it won't be in 4 months). It is 70-80 during the day and 55-65 at night. Great weather. Funny thing is- we haven't used the air conditioner, but it is a window unit. Remember window units? How funny.
Our neighborhood is very cute. Looks like the Huxtables. It is a mix of people- all races I suppose. We live a 5-minute walk from the subway stop and 2 blocks away from my college friend Tanya. So we have spent a lot of time with her since we've been here. We live about a 7 minute walk from the grocery store and a 5 minute DRIVE from Target. Though we are at the top Chicago proper, we still feel very much like we are in a "city". The nearest cool sandwich/coffee shop is 2 blocks away. We have everything we need right here.
Other interesting things- if we walk 2 blocks east we are at Lake Michigan. I have never seen lake Michigan, and it is pretty nuts. It looks like an ocean. I didn't expect the waves to be so huge. Jackie DID NOT like them. She barked at them. Where we hit the lake is also a beach...but I wouldn't want to swim there. They just an an ecoli outbreak. Apparently you can't swim in the same lake where your shit is dumped without it being cleaned first. Who would have thought? And one recent batch got dumped in without being treated. So that sucks.
Another awesome thing we discovered yesterday- 3 stops north on the train is this awesome little artsy fartsy neighborhood that we really like. If you come visit we will probably spend some time there. It also has a Blockbuster, so we're happy about that.
So- what we've been doing since we got here:
On Wednesday I had an interview with Barbizon Modeling/Talent Agency to be a Talent Director. Basically- she said the job is mine if I want it because she loves my resume'...but I opted not to take the job b/c the hours are 3-9 M-F. 3-9 doesn't work for me because the job is still a 30 minute drive. When would I see my lovely fiance'?
However, the Director did say that if I didn't take the job she would love for me to teach acting part-time. So I am going to talk to her about that. And here is why:
Cam had an interview with a company called Robert Half on Thursday. What this company does is place computer technicians in temporary or permanent positions. Cameron had spoke to them previously and was going in for his interview with the recruiter. Well, when he got there, the recruiter, Dan, and him were chatting and apparently Dan does improv. So he really liked Cam and told Cam that he looked like a great candidate to actually be a recruiter like Dan was. So, he sent him to his boss and so on and so forth. Cam went in for a SECOND interview yesterday and he wowed the higher ups. So they are bringing him back for a third interview next Wednesday. The job sounds like something Cameron would really like and be great at. And if it isn't- hey, it's a great resume' builder. But the BEST thing about the job is that Cam would make enough money to where I wouldn't even have to work. He will double his pay from his last job. But of course I wouldn't ever do that- not working would make me bored. But at least I wouldn't feel the pressure to get a teaching job where I work 60 hours a week for shit-pay like I did at my last job. Therefore, we have decided that if he gets this job I am going to get a part-time job and then get an agent on the side so that I can act.
The part time jobs that I have my eye on are: being a Parent Educator for Parents as Teachers. I have spoken to their state director and she thinks there will be openings in my area and that I would be great for the job. But I have also applied for teaching jobs to teach middle school drama part time.
So things are looking up as far as jobs! Fortunately, I am still getting a paycheck and benefits from Farmersville ISD through September 1...so I have some time to work all of this out. But one other thing that will be happening if Cam gets this job is that I will be having my back surgery as soon as possible since I don't know how good my benefits will be at my next job.
So, until we hear something from this job we are both just chilling. I am applying for teaching jobs online and working on connections for Parents as Teachers. But he can't really do anything because if he doesn't get this job as a recruiter he will still be going to Robert Half to get placed in another technician job. So all he can really do is wait.
Until then we are pinching pennies and trying to do free things. Our second night here Tanya took us to her ritual Wednesday night karaoke with $1 domestics. We figured we could afford $1 beers, so we went. It was super-fun and we sang all night. Yesterday we went to Wrigley field while there was a game going on. It was madness. Then we went to see Charna at Improv Olympic. It was short and sweet, but at least she saw our faces. Then we took the train downtown and walked down the Magnificent Mile. It's sort of a cross between Times Square and Fifth Avenue in New York. We also went into Holy Name Cathedral (build in 1869 approx?). It was beautiful and fancy and made me wonder if God gives better answers to people who pray in a church made of solid brass. Hmmm...
Anyway- we are trying to walk as little as possible right now because of my back. Every morning I can hardly get up because of the walking the day before, and the pain stings down my thighs. It's frustrating because we walk everywhere...but I'll deal with it.
All in all- we love the city and are adjusting very well. We miss everyone and there are pictures of all of you everywhere. You are not soon forgotten. :)
Here are some pictures that I can share at this point. This is looking outside our apartment at our street looking each way. Very cute: